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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: oil · stoil · teil · til · toib
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
toil, f. (gs. tola). Will; inclination, desire, wish. 1. (a) ~ a dhéanamh, to do the will of God. Más é ~ é, más ~ le Dia é, God willing. Bhíomar faoi thoil , ar thoil , we were at the mercy of God. Le ~ duine, with the consent of s.o. Le do thoil, más é do thoil é, (if you) please. Nuair is ~ leat é, whenever you like. Tabhair a thoil féin , let him have his own way. Rinne thoil féin é, he did it of his own accord. (b) ~ dheona, free will, caprice. De thoil dheona, freely and willingly. ~ shaor ag an duine, man is endowed with free will; suit yourself. (c) an ar a thoil aige, he can spend the day as he pleases. mbeadh an teanga ar mo thoil agam, if I were fluent in the language. Ar thoil an tionónta, at the option of the tenant. ar do thoil féin agat, it is a matter for yourself. ar mo thoil atá , I have no option in the matter. 2. (a) Do thoil a thabhairt do rud, to consent to sth. Níl a thoil leis, his heart is not in it. Níor chuir do thoil leis an obair, you didnt set your mind to do the work. Chuir siad a d~ le ~ a chéile, they accepted each others wishes. In éadan a thola a rinne é, he did it against his will. (b) ~ a bheith agat do rud, to have a liking for sth. ~ agat don bhia, if you feel like taking the food. Thug ~ don cheol, I liked the music. Bhí ~ mhór ag na daoine , the people were very fond of him. Bain do thoil as, take as much of it as you want. Níl chun mo thola, it is not to my liking. (c) ~ chollaí, concupiscence. S.a. beatha 1(a), bun1 11, cuir le 6(c). (Var: gs. ~e)
Le toil d’~e, please your reverence.
An rud atá in ~ lena thoil, what he really wishes.
thoil ~ féin, of his own free will.
Ar thoil , depending on the will of God.
~ (do) dhuine a thoil, there is no accounting for tastes.
Is é ~ toil , welcome be the will of God.
De bhun tola, willingly; deliberately.
Níl ~ mo thola, it is not to my liking.
I g~ a thola, against his will.
~ tola, smaointe, harmony of will, of thought.
Ár dtoil a chur le toil , to accept the will of God.
De do thoil féin, of your own free will.
Toil a dhéanamh, to do, obey, the will of God.
Lucht dea-thola, people of good will.
Le do dhea-thoil, with your kind consent.
Más toil, más áil, le D~ (go), if God wills (that).
In ~ a thola, against his will.
Chuir a thoil i bh~ orthu, he imposed his will on them.
~áil le toil , to abide by the will of God.
~ de thoil an Tiarna, tenancy at the will of God.
~ is toil leat, everything you wish.
~aimis le toil , let us accept the will of God.
Ag ~ a thola, doing his will.
Toil ~, weak will.
Le do thoil, if you please.
~ tola, will-power.
Le toil donóra; más é toil donóra é, if your honour pleases.
De thoil an ~, with the consent of both parties.
Toil a ~, to serve Gods will.
~ tola, tenacity of will.
~ a thoil féin , let him do as he pleases.
Ag ~ tola ar a chéile, bestowing affection on each other.
Go ndéantar do thoil ar an ~, thy will be done on earth.
~ ar toil, tenancy at will.
~ thola, strength of will.
Umhlú do thoil duine, to bow to s.o.’s will.
~ do thoil , submission to Gods will.
Ag ~ liom, toiling along.
i gclupaidí an diabhail, he is in the toils of the devil.
Ag ~ le, toiling at, struggling with.
Bheith sa ~, to be ensnared, in the toils.
Ag fuirseadh agus ag fadhbáil, slogging away, toiling and moiling.
Bheith i ngaistí duine, to be in the toils of s.o.
Ag obair is ag ~, toiling and moiling.
I ~a an diabhail, in the toils of the devil.
saothair, day of toil.
Ag ~, labouring, toiling.
Ag saothrú de is doíche, toiling by day and by night.
~ an lae, the days exertions; weariness after the days toil.
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