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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Ar a bheag, at least.
An chuid is lú de, the least part of it.
Is ~ an rud dom labhairt leis, at least I should speak to him.
Is é is lú is gann duit é, it’s the least you might do.
Is ~ an obair lae duit é, it’s the least you might do.
Ar an gcuid is lú, at least.
An té is lú eolas, the least knowledgeable person.
Nach cuma ~the cé a rinne é? It doesn’t matter in the least who did it.
Níor bhain an drochscéala ~ as, the bad news did not move, disturb, him in the least.
Níl ~ buartha air, he is not sorry in the least.
Níor chuir an scéala lá braodair air, the news did not worry him in the least.
Níl breis ná ~ ag teacht air, he is not progressing in the least.
Níor chuir sé lá buartha air, it didn’t worry him in the least.
Dheamhan ~ a chuir sin air, he was not in the least troubled by that.
An ceann ~ den obair, the least, easiest, part of the work.
Ar an gceann ~ de, at the very least.
Ar an g~ caol, is lú de, at the minimum, the very least.
Níl lá dá chionta air, he is not in the least to blame for it.
Is é an chloch is mó, is lú, ar a phaidrín é, it is his greatest, his least, concern.
Níl aithreachas ná ~ d’aithreachas orm, I am not in the least repentant.
An bhfuil tú sásta? Níl ná ~ de shásta. Are you satisfied? Not in the least.
Níl ~ ná dealramh air, it hasn’t the least appearance of probability.
An ball, an meall, is mó ar ~, last but not least.
Níor dhóichí(de) scéal, rud, de (ná go), it would not be in the least surprising (if).
Is cuma liom den ~, I don’t care in the least.
Is é an ~ is faide siar ar a choigeal é, it is the least of his cares.
Is beag an ~ orm é, it is not much to ask of me, the least I can do.
~ iongan, ~ na fríde, de rud, the least little bit of sth.
Ná bíodh (scáth ná) ~ ort, don’t be (the least bit) afraid.
Ní thig liom filleadh ná ~, ~ ná fiaradh, a bhaint as, I can’t bend it in the least; I can’t make him budge.
Níor bhain sé feacadh ná ~ asam, it did not move me in the least.
Níor bhain sé ~ ná easpa asam, he didn’t hurt me in the least.
Oiread na ~e de rud, the least little bit of sth.; a diminutive thing.
Murar ghabh mé níor chaill mé, if I didn’t win, at least I didn’t lose.
Is ~ dó é, it is the least he should do.
Is é is lú is ~ dó punt a thabhairt duit, at the very least he should give you a pound.
Ní fhéadaim ~ ná hé a bhaint as, I can’t move it in the least.
Níor chuir sé lá ~ air, he wasn’t in the least put out by it.
Tá an fear eile ~ air, the other man is fully his equal, at least as good as he is.
Tá siad mar sin go h~, they are like that down to the very least of them.
~ neide, weakest nestling; least, last, of brood.
~ uachtair, least upper bound.
Prionsabal an íosghníomhaithe, principle of least action.
Ná cuireadh sé ~ imní ort, don’t let it worry you in the least.
Níl amhras dá ~ faoi, there is not the least doubt about it.
3. Ar a ~, at least.
Míle ar a ~, at least a mile.
Is ar a ~ duit é, it is the least you should do.
Ar a ~ ar bith, at the very least.
Níor tugadh ~ dá laghad dom faoi, I wasn’t given the least indication of it.
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