Ag maireachtáil ar an ~, living on one’s savings.
Ní bhfuair sé a chuid in ~, he had to work for his living.
Chuir sé ~ na gcnámh, he sweated hard; he worked hard for a living.
Níl mac an aoin ann, there is not a living soul there.
In ~, living together, in the same house.
(Beo) ar arán, ar a shaothrú, ar an déirc, (living) on bread, on his earnings, on charity.
Beatha a bhaint amach, to make a living.
Beatha a bhaint as an talamh, to make a living out of the land.
Níl ~ (beo) ann, there is not a (living) soul there.
Ní raibh mac, Críostaí, an bhéil bheo ann, there was not a living soul there.
Tá ~ maith maireachtála acu, they have a good way of living.
I m~ manaigh, living as a monk.
Do bheatha a shaothrú, to earn one’s living.
Do bheatha a bhaint den, as an, talamh, to make a living from the land.
Shílfeá go raibh a bheatha ag teacht ó neamh chuige, one would think by him that he had no need to earn his living.
Ag guí ar son na m~ agus na marbh, praying for the living and the dead.
Ní ~ liom, ní ~ dom, mo bheo, my life is not worth living.
Tá ~ bocht orthu, they are living in poverty.
Duine ~, dúil bheo, living person, creature.
Tá siad ~ (go) bocht, they are living in poverty.
Mac Dé Bhí, the Son of the Living God.
~ maireachtála, standard of living.
An costas beatha, cuir i g~, take the cost of living, for instance.
Ag ~ le duine, living near s.o.; behaving in neighbourly fashion towards s.o.
Ag comhréiteach le chéile, agreeing, living in harmony, with each other.
Tá siad ina g~ ann go fóill, they are still living there.
~ beatha, maireachtála, cost of living.
Ár g~ a shaothrú, to earn our bread, our living.
Le ~ na ndaoine, within living memory.
Tá sé os cionn a chumais, he is living within his means.
Slí bheatha ~ ndaoine, a way of living for our people.
Bheith ar an ~, to be living on charity, reduced to beggary.
~ bheatha, shaolta, way of living, of life.
Gach ~ bheo, every living thing.
Le cuimhne na ndaoine, in living memory.
Caithfidh ~ a chuid a shaothrú, one must earn one’s living.
Lámh in earr eascainne, greim ar eireaball eascainne, a slippery hold; a precarious way of living.
Chuaigh sé i bh~ a bheatha a shaothrú, he set out to earn his living.
Tá sé d’fhiacha orainn ár gcuid a shaothrú, we are obliged to earn our living.
Bheith chun fiaigh, to be fit for the chase; to be fit and well, able to earn one’s living.
Do chuid a shaothrú go ~, to earn one’s living in a respectable manner.
Ag fuirseadh an tsaoil, leis an saol, struggling to make a living.
Beo ar an n~, living on air.
Ní raibh ~ an bhéil bheo ann, there was not a living soul there.
Buachaill ~, clean(-living) boy.
Chleacht siad an ~ maith, they are accustomed to good living.
~ do bhéil a bhaint amach, to scrape a living.
Tá sí ina cónaí linn, she is living with us.
Síos go dtí an ~ liath, down to the living rock.