Ach an chóir cheart a bheith agat, provided one has, had, the right equipment.
Riar sé ar a g~, he provided for them in their distress.
Is ~ ach gan an diúlach sin a theacht, it doesn’t matter provided that fellow doesn’t come.
Ar chuntar go n-íocfaidh tú as, provided you (will) pay for it.
Cé gur beag díol ~ caithfidh sé a sholáthar, ‘little as a wren needs it must gather it’, even the smallest necessities of life have to be provided for.
Ar ~, poorly provided for, on poor fare.
Ach gan é a bheith ag báisteach, provided it is not raining.
Chomh ~ is nach ndéanfaidh sé aon dochar dó, provided he does not harm it.
~ a chur ar obair, to engage a fiddler to play at dance provided for working party.
Ach ~ deifir a bheith ort, provided that you are not in a hurry.
Chothaigh sé iad ó ~ go neart, he provided for them from childhood to maturity.
Bhí ~ gach bia agus sean gach dí ann, the best of food and drink was provided, it was a real feast.
Chuir sin ~ iontu, that set them up, provided the basis for their support.