An siúl a bhaint den bhád, to reduce the speed of the boat.
Siúl ~, slow speed, walk; short walk.
~ Dé leat, God speed you.
Go ~ tapa, with urgent speed.
Tháinig ~ siúil, coisíochta, dó, he increased his speed, quickened his pace.
Ag ~ oibre, piling up work, working at great speed.
I gcosa ~ a bhíos a chuid, a hound depends on its speed for food.
Dlús, deifir, a chur le rud, to speed, hurry, up sth.
Moill ar tí, in aghaidh, le linn, (an) Deabhaidh, more hurry less speed.
Dhá dtrian moille le ~, more haste less speed.
Is minic a bhí ~ deireanach, more haste less speed.
~ a chur le rud, to speed up sth.
Dhúblódh sé siúl leat, he would double your speed.
Ar ~ an tsaoil, with the utmost ease, speed.
Leis an luas a bhí ~, he was going at such speed.
~ reatha, dash, burst of speed.
D’imigh sé sna fáscaí, he set off at great speed.
(Imeacht) sna ~ fásaigh, (to go off) at full stretch, at top speed.
Ag imeacht sna ~í, going at great speed; going wild, crazy.
Sna gáinní báis, (i) in the throes of death, (ii) at top speed.
Géarú ar shiúl, to increase speed.
Is éachtach an ~ siúil atá fúthu, they are travelling at great speed.
Ag imeacht faoi ghearradh, going at speed.
Tá siad ar an n~ céanna, they are going at the same speed; they are abreast of each other.
~ siúil, increase of speed.
Luas a lagú, to slacken speed.
Faoi ~ siúil, going full speed.
Ag ~adh chun bóthair, chun siúil, speeding away.
Ag imeacht ~, going off at top speed.
~ sé ar a sheolta, he slackened speed.
Ní thig luas le ~, speed is not conducive to accuracy.
Luas, pointe, loicthe, stalling speed, point.
~eann luath léir, speed is not conducive to accuracy.
~ taistil, travelling-speed.
Leis an ~ a bhí faoi, at the speed he was going.
~ a dhéanamh le rud, to speed up, make haste with, sth.
Ar ~ lasrach, at lightning speed.
Géarú, maolú, luais, increase, decrease, in speed.
Rud a luathú; luathú ar, le, rud, to speed up sth.; to hurry up with sth.
Ar ~, bounding, at speed.
Luas a mhaolú, to reduce speed.
~ ar luas, slackening of speed.
Fad, méid, luas, a mheas, to estimate length, size, speed.
Inneall mórluais, high-speed engine.
Tá sé ag ~ leis, he is pelting away, speeding along.
I do sheanrith, going at full speed; completely recovered from illness.
Ag obair ar ~, working at speed.