M’~, m’~ le Dia, gur fíor é, by my soul (I swear) it is true.
Deimhnigh, mionnaigh, ar, certify, swear, about, against.
An ~ a thabhairt, a chur ar dhuine, to swear, make s.o. swear, by the Bible.
Dar bhrí an bhata seo i mo lámh, (I swear) by this stick in my hand.
Cheangail sé grian agus gealach air féin, he swore by the sun and the moon.
Ná ~ duit féin a bheith ag eascainí, don’t get into the habit of swearing.
Thug sé na ~e ba mhó arís, he proclaimed, swore, louder than ever.
Ag caitheamh ~í leo, swearing at them.
Thug sé a chúis leis, he swore to it.
Idir mé is D~, I swear to God.
Saoire a thabhairt don ~, to ’give the devil a rest’, stop swearing.
~ a chur, a dhéanamh, ar dhuine, to curse, swear at, s.o.
Bheith ag eascainí, to swear, to utter profanities.
Ag mallachtaigh is ag eascainí, cursing and swearing.
Ag mionnú éithigh, swearing lies.
~aim le m’anam (go), upon my soul I swear (that).
Thug sé ~ (is fiolar), he swore (by this and that).
Ag ~adh mionnaí móra, swearing (and crossing oneself).
Bhí sé ag caitheamh ~ agus crístíní, he was cursing and swearing.
Dar mo ~! By my hand I swear.
An ~ a thabhairt (i rud), to swear by the book (to sth.).
~ éithigh a thabhairt, to swear falsely, to perjure oneself.
2. Leabhróinn gur tú a chonaic mé, I’d swear it was you I saw.
Ag mallú ar a chéile, swearing at each other.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to swear at s.o.
~ an leabhair a thabhairt, to swear on the book, on the Bible.
Finné a chur faoi mhionn, to swear a witness.
Bhí ~ air é a dhéanamh, he was sworn, determined, to do it.
4. ~ mór, swear-word, curse.
~aí móra a thabhairt, to use swear-words, to curse.
1. Rud a mhionnú, mionnú le rud, to swear sth.
An leabhar a mhionnú, to swear by the book, on the Bible.
Mhionnaigh sé go raibh an ceart agam, he swore that I was right.
Coiste a mhionnú, to swear in a jury.
Ag eascaine agus ag ~ (ar), cursing and swearing (at).
Fágaim ag an ~ (go), I swear openly (that).
~ is siúd orm (go), I swear by this and that (that).
Ag ~adh eascainí, mionnaí móra, cursing, swearing, hard.
~ sé an leabhar, he swore by the book.
~ an leabhair, reckless swearing.
~ sé mionn mór, he let out a swear-word.
Thug sé briathar mór, he swore a great oath.
Thug sé mionn an leabhair leis, he swore to it.
Ná tabhair ~ leis na mionnaí móra, don’t resort to swear-words.
Bhí sé ag ~t orainn, he was swearing at us.
Thiomain sé nach ndéanfadh sé arís é, he swore he wouldn’t do it again.
Tá sé ~ é a dhéanamh, he is sworn, determined, to do it.