Ní bhfaigheadh an diabhal ~ air, he is always on the alert, the devil himself couldn’t take him at a disadvantage.
Dul san ~ le rud, to venture, take a chance on, sth.
Lasta a chur, a thógáil, ar ~, to load, take on, a cargo.
Líonta a bhordáil, to take nets on board.
Cur, dul, chun bóthair, to take the road, set out on journey.
Bheith buaite nó caillte le rud, to gain or lose by sth.; to take a chance on sth.
Tá an saol mór le ~ aici, she takes it on herself to discuss, gossip about, everybody’s business.
2. ~ a dhéanamh, to carry off sth. on one’s back; to take sth. on the crook.
Dul thar do chumas (le rud), to take too much on oneself (with sth.).
Tá ~ dubh na hoíche air, it is taking on the black appearance of night.
Tá tú ag ~amh go hóg, you are taking on a youthful appearance.
Trua a dhéanamh do dhuine, to take pity on s.o.
Déan ~ ar an duine bocht, take pity on, help, the poor fellow in his need.
~ a dhéanamh, a imirt, ar dhuine, to take vengeance on s.o.
Cógas a chaitheamh ar ~, to take medicine on an empty stomach.
Bhí an deoch ag ~adh air, the drink was taking effect on him.
Cúram, freagracht, a ghabháil (ort féin), to take on a care, a responsibility.
~áil ar dhuine, to set about s.o.; to take on s.o.; to mark s.o. (in game).
Marc a ghearradh ar rud, to cut a mark on sth.; to take particular note of sth.
Ná ~ an iomarca ort féin, don’t take too much on yourself.
Trua a ghlacadh do dhuine, to take pity on s.o.
Nótaí a ghlacadh (ar rud), to take notes (on sth.).
Leanbh a chur ar do ghlúin(e), to take a child on one’s knee(s).
Ná h~ ormsa é, don’t take it out on me.
Ná h~ air é, don’t take it out on him.
~a a fhostú, to take on hands, workmen.
Bhíodh an cú leis ar iall, he used to take the hound on a leash.
Tabhair an ~ ann, (you may) take your oath on it.
Ná ~ amach ormsa é, don’t take it out on me.
~ a ghabháil, to take a staff, to go on pilgrimage.
~ a thógáil ar bord, to take a cargo on board.
Maidin mhaith duit, good morning to you. (On taking leave, retiring)
Fianaise mhionnscríbhinne, evidence taken on affidavit.
Bhí sé ~ agat a bheith ag caint mar sin, you shouldn’t have taken it on yourself to talk like that.
Rud a sheansáil, to take a chance on sth.
Is air sin atá mo sheasamh, I take my stand on that.
Tá siad ag teacht chun snua, they are beginning to take on colour.
Ní rachadh sé faoin ualach dom, he wouldn’t take the load on his back for me.
Dul ar do theitheadh, to take to flight; to go on the run.
Lá oibre a thógáil ort féin, to take it on oneself to do a day’s work.
~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, to take pity on s.o.; to sympathise with s.o.
Níor mhaith liom na páistí a thrust leo, I wouldn’t like to depend on them to take care of the children.
Tabhair leat an ceann uachtair, take the one on top.
Tóg an naíonán i d’~ tamall, take the baby up on your lap for a while.