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díol could be a grammatical form of: íol »
díol1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~ta). 1. vn. of díol2. 2. Selling, sale. ~ earraí, sale of goods. ~ agus ceannach, buying and selling. ~ maith a dhéanamh, to make a good sale. Tá ~ maith orthu, they are selling well. 3. Payment; recompense, requital. ~ cíosa, costais, payment of rent, of cost. I n~ ruda, in payment, in return, for sth. ~ fiach a thabhairt do dhuine, to repay a debt to s.o.; to requite s.o. I n~ a ndearna sé, in return for what he did. Sin an ~ a thug sé dom, that is how he repaid me. Is é do dhíol é, it serves you right. Is maith an ~ ort é, you well deserve it; you are well worth it. B’olc an ~ air é, little he deserved it. Is fada óna dhíol é, it is far from his deserts. ~ an pheaca, atonement for sin. 4. Deserving object. ~ trua é, he deserves to be pitied. 5. Enough, sufficiency. ~ duine de rud, enough of sth. for a person’s needs. ~ beirte de bhia, enough food for two. ~ míosa de lón, a month’s supply of provisions. Tá ~ mo cháis agam, I have enough to serve my purpose. Níl ~ a roinnte ann, there is not enough of it to go round. Tá ~ rí ann, it is fit for a king. Fuair sí a ~ d’fhear, she got a husband worthy of her. Faoina n~ capall, with their complement of horses. An bhfuil do dhíol agat? Have you enough? 6. Treatment; fate. Gach ~ dár fhulaing sé, every treatment that he endured. Ní fios a n~ ó shin, it is not known how they have fared since. (Var: ~adh m)
díol2, v.t. & i. 1. Sell. (a) Earraí a dhíol, to sell goods. Dhíol mé leis ar phunt é, I sold it to him for a pound. Ag ~ meala is ag ceannach milseán, [’selling honey to buy sweets’, carrying coals to Newcastle. S.a. cearc 1(a). (b) Betray. Do thír a dhíol, to sell one’s country. Dhíolfadh sé ar bord loinge thú, he would sell you down the river. ~adh faoina luach é, he was basely betrayed. 2. Pay; requite. ~ as rud, to pay for sth.; to be punished for sth. Dhíol sé a luach liom, he paid me the value of it. Dhíol siad éiric as, they paid an indemnity for it. Dhíol an chruithneacht é, the wheat paid off for him. Dhíol siad go maith mé, they paid me well. Dhíol sé go daor as, he paid dearly for it. Cards: ~ as, pay out, discard. S.a. comhar.
Bhí mé á dhíol, I was selling it.
Bhí sé á dhíol go saor, (i) he was selling it cheaply, (ii) it was being sold cheaply.
Ní raibh agam ach an teach a dhíol, I had no alternative but to sell the house.
Ar díol, on sale.
Ceannaigh, díol, ar, buy, sell, at, for.
Dhíol sé thar ~ amach é, he sold it outright.
Dhíol mé ar bheagán iad, I sold them cheap.
Rud a dhíol ar ~, to sell sth. at a profit, at a premium.
D’anam a dhíol ar do bholg, to sell one’s soul for a mess of pottage.
Rud a dhíol faoi bhris, to sell sth. at a loss.
Cár díoladh iad? Where were they sold?
~ tobac, biotáille, a dhíol, licence to sell tobacco, spirits.
Níl díol ná ~ orthu, there is no market for them.
An chearc a dhíol lá na báistí, ‘to sell the hen on a rainy day’, to pick the wrong time for something.
Bhí sé i g~ agam an áit a dhíol, I was thinking of selling the place.
An ~ a íoc, a dhíol, a roinnt, le duine, to return a service to s.o., repay s.o. for what he has done for one.
Díolfaidh mé an ~ leat! I’ll get my own back on you!
Dhíol sé a chóraid (bó, caorach), he sold his drove (of cows, of sheep).
Ceannach, díol, snámh, ól, feadaíl, a dhéanamh, to buy, sell, swim, drink, whistle.
Rinne siad amach an bhó a dhíol, they decided (that they ought) to sell the cow.
Díol ~e, object of charity.
~ dána, anthology of verse.
Níl díol ~ caite aige, he has eaten nothing.
Cé gur beag díol ~ caithfidh sé a sholáthar, ‘little as a wren needs it must gather it’, even the smallest necessities of life have to be provided for.
É a dhíol a rinne sé, an ea? Is ea. Did he sell it? Yes.
~, ~í, a cheannach, a dhíol, to buy, sell, goods.
Dhíol tú an comhar go ~ liom, you requited me handsomely.
~ díolta páipéar, news-vendor.
1. Ní iarrfad ~ ná díol ina éiric, I will ask no fee nor payment in return for it.
Díol do fhreastail a sholáthar, to provide enough for one’s needs.
Díol greise, requital for injury, revenge for aggression.
Díoladh go saor ~, they were sold cheaply.
Fuair sé a dhíol d’~, he was well cared for.
É a dhíol a rinne sé, an ea? He sold it, did he?
~ sé an áit a dhíol, he let the place be sold.
Rud a dhíol faoina ~, to sell sth. for less than it is worth.
Díoladh faoina ~ é, he was betrayed.
Is é a dúirt siad ~ gur dhíol sé a anam leis an diabhal, what they said was that he sold his soul to the devil.
Rud a dhíol de réir an phuint, ar dheich bpingine an ~, to sell sth. by the pound, at tenpence a pound.
Rud a dhíol faoi ~, to sell sth. at a loss.
Tá ~ mhaith acu díolta, a good few of them have been sold.
Ag díol as an ~, paying for extravagance.
An ~ a dhíol, to pay the reckoning.
Dhíol mé ar shladmhargadh iad, I sold them at a sacrifice.
Dhíol mé faoi shuim iad, I sold them for less than they were worth.
Thug sé an áit a dhíol, he caused the place to be sold.
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