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Similar words: éimir · idir · imirc · imirt · Izmir
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imir1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). Tint, tinge. 1. ~ ghorm, blue tint. Tháinig ~ óir ann, it became tinged with gold. Chuir an smúdáil ~ shíoda ann, the ironing gave it a silken sheen. 2. ~ éada, tinge of jealousy.
imir2, v.t. & i. (pres. imríonn, vn. ~t, pp. imeartha). Play. 1. (a) (Of game) Cluiche a ~t, to play a game. Ag ~t peile, fichille, cártaí, playing football, chess, cards. ~ an liathróid, an cíoná, play the ball, the five of trumps. D’~ siad an cluiche craoibhe ann, they played the final there. D’~ dÉirinn, he played for Ireland. D’~ do chártaí, do chnaipí, go maith, you played your cards well. (b) (Of gamble) Geall, airgead, a ~t, to play for a stake, for money. D’~ siad , ar ghé, they played for a goose. Imrímis ar dhíslí é, let us play dice for it. D’~ a anam leis, he risked his life at it. Ag ~t is ag ól, gambling and drinking. (c) (Of pastime) Ag súgradh is ag ~t, sporting and playing. Ag ~t buachaillí , playing cowboys. (d) (Of trick) Cleas a ~t (ar dhuine), to play a trick (on s.o.). ~t ar dhuine, to play a prank on s.o.; to cozen, cheat, s.o.; to get a rise out of, annoy, s.o. Is fuar a d’~ orm, you played an unfriendly trick on me. 2. (a) Ply, wield. Arm a ~t, to ply a weapon. D’~ siad sceana, na cosa, air, they used knives, their feet, on him. Is a dimreodh an súiste, you were the man to wield a flail. (b) Exercise, employ. Dáimh a ~t le duine, to show fellow-feeling for s.o. ~ an chóir leo, act justly towards them. (c) Wreak, inflict. Díoltas a ~t ar dhuine, to wreak vengeance on s.o. D’~ siad a dtoil air, they inflicted their will on him. Imríodh an bás air, he was done to death. (d) Affect, trouble. an tsláinte, a chroí, ag ~t air, his health, his heart, is troubling him. lig don fhearg ~t ort, dont let your anger get the better of you. Lit: D’~ a n-íota orthu, their thirst affected them. 3. Lit: Apply (ar, to). D’~ ungadh air, he applied ointment to it.
~ imeartha, stakes (in gambling).
as an imirt, you are out of the game.
Ag imirt ~, playing hurling.
Ag imirt a bháire ~e, sowing his wild oats.
Caith, imir, do bhearta mar is cóir, play your cards properly; play the game.
Ag imirt ~ sop, casting lots (with straws).
Ag caitheamh, ag imirt, ~í, bowling, playing bowls.
~ imeartha, gaming-table.
3. ~ a imirt, to play forfeits.
~ a dhéanamh, a imirt, ar dhuine, ar rud, to take liberties with s.o., sth.
Ag imirt cleas a m~, playing their mad pranks.
~ cainte, imeartha, oibre, worthless talk, play, work.
Ag bualadh, ag imirt, ~e, playing football.
Imirt cháidheach, dirty play.
Ag imirt caidhtí, playing quoits.
Fear caillte na himeartha, the loser (of game, of contest).
Bhí ~ míosa acu gan an bás a imirt orthu, they had a months respite from execution.
An ~ a imirt ar dhuine, to play false with s.o.
1. ~ (imeartha), (playing-)card.
~í a imirt, to play cards.
leis (an) imirt? Whose turn is it to play?
~ imeartha, staidéir, taistil, permission to play, to study, to travel.
Ag imirt ~í ar a chéile, dallying, sporting, with one another.
~ imeartha, opponent in game.
An cluiche ~ a imirt ar dhuine, to deceive s.o.
Rud a shocrú ar chlár na himeartha, ar cheann cláir, to settle sth. at the gaming-table, on the spot.
~ a imirt ar dhuine, to play a trick on s.o.
~a imeartha, scríbhneoireachta, na ceirde, tricks of play, of writing, of the trade.
~ a imirt, a bhaint, a chailleadh, to play, win, lose, a game.
Ag imirt cnaipí, playing (cards, etc.) for buttons.
Do chnaipí a imirt, to play ones cards, try ones tricks.
Den imirt an ~, forewarned is forearmed.
An cluiche, an imirt, a choimhéad, to watch the game, the play.
~ imeartha, scéalaíochta, playing, story-telling, competition.
Is é a chuid den saol a bheith ag imirt, his only interest is in gambling.
5. ~ imeartha, leadóige, playing-, tennis-, court.
~ imeartha, playing equipment; pack of playing-cards.
~ a imirt le duine, to show kindred feeling towards s.o.; to show partiality for s.o.
An ~ a imirt, to follow suit.
~ oibre, imeartha, snámha, working, playing, swimming, facilities.
siad i n~ a bheith ag imirt, they have just been playing.
~ a dhéanamh, a imirt, ar dhuine, to take vengeance on s.o.
~ (imeartha), die.
Díslí a imirt, a chaitheamh, to play, cast, dice.
Imirt ~, to play single-handed.
Ag imirt ~, playing singly.
Cibé ~ a dimir air, whatever way she infatuated him.
Éirí as obair, as imirt, to quit work, playing.
~ imeartha, playground.
Ag imirt faltanais ar a chéile, spiting each other.
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