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clothes, s.pl. 1 Éadach m, baill mpl éadaigh. Suit of clothes, culaith f éadaigh. He is dressed in his best clothes, tá an chulaith is fearr aige air; F: tá a chulaith Domhnaigh air. He put on, took off, his clothes, chuir sé air, bhain sé dhe, a chuid éadaigh. S.a. LONG-CLOTHES, MOTH 1, READY-MADE, SUNDAY, SWADDLING-CLOTHES. Soiled clothes, éadaí salacha. 2 Éadach m leapa.
A woman is too interested in clothes, bíonn an iomarca spéise ag an mbean i gcúrsaí éadaí.
To air clothes (out of doors), éadach a chur amach faoin ngaoth.
To air clothes (before the fire), éadaí a chur leis an tine, a aeráil.
I have no clothes, I haven't a rag, to my back, níl snáithe agam le cur orm féin.
His clothes are baggy, tá sé ag dul amú ina chuid éadaigh.
He was dressed in his best clothes, bhí a chulaith Dhomhnaigh air.
Laund: To blue clothes, éadaí a ghormú.
Change of clothes, of horses, athrach éadaigh, chapall.
I changed my clothes, chuir mé malairt, athrach, éadaigh orm féin.
The rain came through his clothes, chuaigh an bháisteach isteach tríd an éadach aige.
To wring clothes dry, an t-uisce a fháscadh as éadach.
He finds himself in clothes, air féin atá ceannach a chuid éadaigh.
Fitting (on) (of clothes), tástáil (éadaí).
Full-dress, clothes, gléasadh m foirmiúil.
He got off his clothes, bhain sé de a chuid éadaigh.
He grew out of his clothes, shéan sé a chuid éadaigh.
To hang out clothes, éadach a chur amach ar tuar.
Clothes horse, cliath f éadaí, croch f éadaí.
He huddled on his clothes, chaith sé, d'fháisc sé, air a chuid éadaí faoi dheifir.
I hurried into my clothes, chaith mé orm go beo.
To keep s.o. in clothes, éadach a choinneáil ar dhuine.
The place where I keep my clothes, an áit a mbíonn mo chuid éadaí agam.
His clothes were lying on the ground, bhí a chuid éadaí (caite) ar an talamh.
Clothes-moth, leamhan m (éadaigh).
He was dressed in new clothes, bhí culaith nua air.
I am badly off for clothes, is crua atá culaith éadaigh de dhíth orm.
Old clothes, seanéadach m.
To put on one's clothes, do chuid éadaí a chur ort.
To order a suit of clothes, focal a chur ar chulaith éadaigh.
Outdoor clothes, éadach m bóthair.
To peg clothes on a line, éadaí a chrochadh (le pionnaí) ar shreang.
In plain clothes, i ngnáthéadaí.
To put clothes out to dry, éadach m a chur amach ar triomú.
Ready-made clothes, éadaí mpl siopa, F: Éadaí crúca.
Clothes reduced to rags, éadaí ina ngiobail.
To send clothes to the wash, éadaí a chur á níochán.
Clothes made shiny by long wear, éadach a bhfuil snas le haois air.
Nau: Shore clothes, culaith chuain.
He hadn’t a stitch of clothes on, ní raibh folach air.
Summer clothes, éide f samhraidh.
Sunday clothes, culaith Dhomhnaigh.
To take off one's clothes, do chuid éadaí a bhaint díot.
Tattered clothes, briollacha mpl, ceamacha mpl.
To tuck in the bed-clothes, ciumhaiseanna éadaí na leaba a fhilleadh isteach faoin tocht.
To tumble into one's clothes, do chuid éadaí a chaitheamh ort féin.
Utility clothes, éadaí mpl úsáide.
To send clothes to the wash, éadaí a chur á ní.
Clothes wherewith to cover oneself, éadach le cur ar do dhroim.
Working clothes, culaith f oibre.
To give the clothes a wring, na héadaí a fháscadh.
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