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Tá sé maith go leor ~ gan fearg a chur air, he is all right if he is not angered.
Ná h~ fearg, troid, don’t stir up anger, a fight.
D’~ sé a fhearg, a dhíoltas, orthu, he wreaked his anger, his vengeance, on them.
D’imigh sé ~ fearg air, he went away in anger.
Lig sé ~ a fhearg orm, he vented his anger on me.
Duine a ardú san intinn, to excite, anger, s.o.
Labhair sé as fearg, he spoke in anger.
Duine a bhaint, to draw s.o. out; to anger s.o.
Bhí ~ feirge, náire, air, he was burning with anger, with shame.
Tháinig ~ ar a shúile liom, his eyes flashed anger at me.
~ feirge, rising anger.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to shout in anger at s.o.; to call on s.o. to behave himself.
~ feirge, outburst of anger.
~ fút an fhearg, control your anger.
Bhuail tallann feirge é, he took a fit of anger.
~ feirge, wave of anger.
Ní raibh sé le scaoileadh ná le ceangal, he was beside himself (with anger).
Fearg a cheansú, to appease anger.
Charbh áil liom fearg a chur air, I did not, would not, wish to anger him.
Tá ~ (dearg) air, his face is flushed (with anger, drink, etc.)
Tháinig coinnle ar a shúile, ina radharc (le lúcháir, le fearg), his eyes lit (with joy), blazed (with anger).
Fearg a chosc, to restrain anger.
Tháinig ~ (feirge) air, he was moved to anger.
2. Duine a chorraí (chun feirge), to move a person (to anger).
Troid, fearg, olc, a chothú, to stir up a fight, anger, evil.
~ feirge, tréasa, incitement to anger, to treason.
Bheith as do chraiceann, to be beside oneself with anger.
Ná ~ fearg air, don’t anger him.
Duine a chur chun feirge, chun éada, chun díomhaointis, to drive s.o. to anger, to jealousy, to idleness.
~ feirge, frenzy of anger.
Ag damhsa le háthas, le fearg, dancing for joy, with anger.
~ feirge, frenzy of anger.
Fearg, éad, a dhéanamh, to give way to anger, jealousy.
Fearg dhocheansaithe, uncontrollable anger.
Ag ~ le fearg, stuttering with anger.
Chuirfeadh sé fearg ar dhuine, it would anger one.
~ feirge, fit of anger.
Fuath, fearg, agus ~, hatred, anger and spite.
D’fhear sé a fhearg orthu, he vented his anger on them.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to anger s.o.
Ná tarraing a fhearg ort, don’t draw down his anger on you.
Lig dó a fhearg a chloí, let him give vent to his anger; wait till his anger subsides.
Nuair a d’imigh an fhearg de, when his anger had passed.
~ uaim d’fhearg, turn away your anger from me.
Bhí sé ag ~ le fearg, he was dancing about with anger.
Ag ~adh le fearg, seething with anger.
~ feirge, surge of anger.
Ní fhóirfeadh sé fearg a chur orthu, it wouldn’t do to anger them.
D’fhonn fearg a chur orm, hoping to, in order to, anger me.
~ feirge, frenzy of anger.
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