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~ a thabhairt ar chontúirt, to face danger.
Ag aibhsiú na guaise, emphasizing the danger.
Tá sé in ~ a bhuailte, he is in danger of being beaten.
As pian, guais, out of pain, danger.
Tá an bás ag ~t air, he is in danger of death.
I m~ báis, in danger of death.
Tá sé i m~ a bháite, he is in danger of drowning.
Sin an áit a bhfuil an ~, that is where the danger lies.
Ní ~ duit titim, go dtitfidh tú, you are in no danger of falling, you need not fear that you will fall.
Bheith ó bhaol, to be out of danger.
I gcontúirt, i nguais, bháis, in danger of death.
An bhearna bhaoil, the [’gap of danger’, the breach (of battle).
Tá sé i gcontúirt a chaite, he is in danger of being shot.
An chontúirt a choimhéad, to beware of danger.
~ ceo, stoirme, guaise, fog-, storm-, danger-, signal.
Bheith i g~ (do) bháis, (do) bháite, to be in danger of death, of drowning.
Dul i g~, to incur danger.
Sin an áit a bhfuil an chontúirt, that is where the danger lies.
Duine a chur i gcumhacht, i gcruachás, i gcontúirt, to put s.o. in power, in a difficulty, in danger.
Bheith, dul, i n~, to be in, get into, danger.
Sin an áit a bhfuil an ~, that is where the danger lies.
Bheith ~ ar chontúirt, to venture into danger.
An géibheann seo a dhiongbháil dínn, to avert this danger from us.
Bheith ~ do choill, do bhalla, do chontúirt, to be close to a wood, to a wall, to danger.
Is ~ an duine é, he is a defiant person; he is always courting danger.
Duine a ~ ar chontúirt, to interpose oneself between s.o. and danger; to ward off danger from s.o.
Is ~ dó, he is in danger.
B’~ dom an bás, I was in danger of death.
Ní i bh~ uaidh a mhothaigh sé an chontúirt, the danger seemed very real to him.
Duine a fhágáil i gcontúirt, to leave s.o. in danger.
Ní ham faltanais am géibhinn, there should be unity in face of danger.
Contúirt fholaigh, hidden danger.
Duine a fhuascailt ó ghéibheann, ó bhraighdeanas, to release s.o. from danger, from captivity.
Teacht (slán) as ~, to survive danger, get out of a difficult situation.
Ag ~áil i bpoll, in uisce, i gcontúirt, san uaigh, going into a hole, into water, into danger, into the grave.
Do cheann a thabhairt as ~, to survive battle, danger.
Bheith, dul, i n~, to be in, expose oneself to, danger.
I n~ bháis, (do) bháite, do chinn, in danger of death, of drowning, of losing one’s head.
~ ar shoitheach i gceo, danger to a ship in a fog.
As ~, out of danger.
Comhartha ~e, danger signal.
Is mór an chontúirt ~, they are a great danger.
Iompú ó aistear, ó chontúirt, to turn back from a journey, from danger.
I ~ na contúirte, in the face of danger.
~ann an chontúirt an obair sin, there is danger involved in that kind of work.
Is ~ an chontúirt atá air a cheann a ligean leis, he is in less danger for being given his head.
Mheabhraigh sé an chontúirt, he sensed the danger.
Bheith ó bhaol, to be out of danger.
Tá an chontúirt os ár gcionn, there is danger hanging over our heads.
~ ó chontúirt, to run from danger.
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