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Tá ~ mhaith faoi na barra, the crops look promising.
Bhánaigh sé a chuid talaimh, he cleared his land (of stock, crops).
~ coirce, prátaí, móna, crop of oats, of potatoes, of turf.
~ a thabhairt, to yield a crop.
~ ar a chos, standing crop.
~ margaidh, cash crop.
~ na ndaoine, food for human consumption; food crops.
Tá na barra ~te anuas ag an stoirm, the crops are beaten down by the storm.
Tá ~ maith féir ar an ngort sin, there is a good cut, crop, of hay in that field.
Rinneadh ~ ar na barra, the crops were badly damaged.
Baineadh dá chleití, his feathers were cropped.
An barr a choimhéad ar na caoirigh, to keep the sheep away from the crops.
~ fuipe, crop of whip.
Tá ~ mhaith ar na barra, the crops look promising.
Barr ~ cruithneachta, fair crop of wheat.
~ fuipe, crop of whip.
Tá a chlann, na barra, ag cruthú go maith dó, his children, his crops, are doing well.
Tá na barra ag cur leo féin ó bhisigh an aimsir, the crops are progressing since the weather improved.
Chuir an triomach ~ ar na barra, the drought retarded the growth of the crops.
Tá siad ag milleadh na ~a, they are destroying the crops.
Rinne an sioc ~ do na barra, the frost damaged the crops.
Rinne siad ~ ar na barra, they trampled down the crops.
Barr ~, light, sparse, crop.
An t-~ a dhéanamh, to do the spring work, sow crops.
Níl na barra ag déanamh mórán ~a, the crops are not making any notable progress.
Mí na Bealtaine ~ na bliana, (the weather in) the month of May makes or mars the (crops of the) year.
Barra ~a, sparse crops.
~ bharra, arbhar, under crops, corn.
1. Féar, barra, duilliúr, ag ~, grass, crops, foliage, growing.
D’fheall na barra i mbliana, the crops failed this year.
Lig sé na barra i bh~, he let the crops grow wild.
Barra ~e, wildly-growing crops.
Tá siad san fhoghail ar na barra, they are trespassing on the crops.
~ fiaigh, hunting-crop.
Tá na barra ag ~áil ó fhás, the crops are coming to the end of their growth.
~ a dhéanamh ar bharra, ar eallach, to attend to crops, to cattle.
Barra a ghiollacht, to tend crops.
Talamh, barr, ~, clean land, crop.
Barra ~a, green crops.
Tá ~ maith aige i mbliana, he has a good crop (of corn) this year.
Mol ~ is ná mol geamhar, 'praise the crop and not the braird', don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
~ agus glasraí, grain crops and vegetables.
~ chruithneachta, worthless (quantity or crop of) wheat.
~ an fhearthainn na barra, the rain beat down the crops.
Barra ag ~eadh, crops failing.
Tháinig ~ ar na barra, the crops failed.
Páirc ~, bare, close-cropped, field.
Páirc a ~adh, to crop, mow, a field closely.
~ triomaigh, parching of land, of crops, by drought.
~ barr, damage to crops.
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