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Thréig an chaora a tréad, a huan, the sheep left its flock, its lamb.
Duine a fhágáil san ~, to leave s.o. in the lurch.
Fág an eochair aige, leave the key with him.
B’éigean dom imeacht aige, I had to leave because of him.
Bhí sé mór againn imeacht air, it was too much to expect that we should leave without him.
Ceannaigh an drochrud ~ bí gan aon rud, if you buy a poor thing you will be left without anything.
Cead aighnis, leave to speak (in course of argument).
Fágadh a h~ uirthi féin, she was left to care for herself; left without support.
In ~ imeacht, instead of leaving.
Ag cur ~ na bpéacán, an duilliúir, sending forth shoots, leaves.
Fág ~ é, leave it outside.
Dóigh agus ~ a chuardach, to leave no stone unturned.
Fág ~ é, leave it here.
Níl acu anois ach ~ (amháin) dá gclann, there is only one of their children left to them now.
Ar aghaidh, ar gcúl, ar deis, ar clé, forwards, backwards, to the right, to the left.
fág ansin é. Ah, leave it there.
Fág as an áireamh é, leave it out of the reckoning.
Fágadh cosaint an ~a orm, I was left to hold the fort.
Fágadh mise i mbun an bhacáin, I was left holding the baby.
Ní ~ a bhí tú imithe nuair a tháinig sé, you had only just left when he arrived.
Bhain sé codladh na hoíche díom, it left me unable to sleep at night.
Bhain sé an chaint díom, it left me speechless.
Fágadh, cuireadh, ar dhroim an bhealaigh mhóir iad, they were left homeless, driven out on the road.
Doras a fhágáil ~, to leave a door unguarded.
Cár fhág tú é? Tá, sa bhaile. Where did you leave it? At home, of course.
Níl ~ ná slacht ar an teach ó d’imigh sí, the house has not been properly kept since she left.
Baile Átha Cliath a fhágáil ar an m~ ag duine, to leave s.o. in the lurch.
Níor fágadh fear ar ~, not a man was left on the field.
Fág faoina bhráid é, leave it to him; leave it to his decision.
Rud a fhágáil ina bhratscair, to leave sth. spread out on the ground.
Fágaim ar do bhreith féin é, I leave it to your own decision.
Fágaim ar do bhreithiúnas féin é, I leave it to yourself to judge.
Druid le fear na bruíne (agus gheobhaidh tú síocháin), face up to the trouble-maker (and he will leave you in peace).
Tá ~ sa bhéim fós ann, there is a kick left in him yet.
Cár fhág tú mo pheann? Where did you leave my pen?
B’fhéidir go bhfágfainn ~ ort! I might leave a mark on you!
Baineadh an chaint díom, I was left speechless.
Tabhair cead ~e dó, give him leave to speak.
Nuair a bhí ~ imeachta aige, when he had a chance to leave.
Níl bean, fear, a chaointe le fáil, there is no one left to mourn for him.
~adh ar clé, to turn left.
I g~ duit, by your leave; with due respect to you.
Gan chead gan chomhairle, without leave or consultation.
~ cainte, leave to speak.
chead agamsa do chuid oibre a dhéanamh duit, you went away and left me to do your work for you.
Do chead a fhágáil, a ghabháil, ag duine, to take one’s leave of s.o.
Ghabh sé a chead, he took his leave.
Imeacht gan chead gan cheiliúradh, to leave without permission, without saying good-bye to anybody; to take French leave.
Ar ~, on leave, on holidays.
Cheadaigh siad dom imeacht, they gave me leave to go.
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