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Labhair faoi d’~, speak low, in a whisper.
Lig ~ an téad chugam, lower the rope to me.
Torann ~, low sound.
Labhair go ~, speak low.
Ísligh ~ é, lower it a little.
~ uachtair, íochtair, upper, lower, lip.
~ láin, low-water mark.
~ a ísliú, a leagan, to lower a flag.
~ uachtair, íochtair, upper, lower, millstone.
~ cruaiche, bottom, lower part, of stack.
~eadh síos leis na scoilteacha é, he was laid low, incapacitated, with rheumatism.
~ tarbh, asal, bó, bellowing of bulls, braying of donkeys, lowing of cows.
~ cruaiche, bottom, lower part, of stack.
~ locha, lower end, outlet, of lake.
~ toinne, low-water mark.
~ talún, (patch, stretch, of) low-lying land.
~ ar oineach, mean, low-down, person.
~ íochtarach, uachtarach, lower, upper, teeth.
mór, beag, upper, lower, case.
An ~ uachtarach, íochtarach, the upper, lower, end.
Bhí a dhá cheann i dtalamh, he was bent low over his work, drudging.
Ard, íseal, i g~, of high, low, degree.
Bád, canbhás, a chiorrú, to lower sails.
Tháinig siad ina gcipí agus ina gcóistí, they came with pomp and ceremony; they came both high and low, in great numbers.
~adh le fiabhras é, he was laid low with fever.
3. ~ géill, angle of jaw; lower jaw-bone, jaw.
~ íseal, low spirits.
~ íochtair, uachtair, lower, upper, bound.
~ íochtarach, lower court, court of first instance.
Fanacht ar an g~, to stay in the background; to lie low.
Is í an tslat chumhra is umhaile dá húll, the young twig bends lowest with its apple.
4. ~ tine, round low-built fire.
Fear beag ~, a low thickset man.
Ar ~, at low water.
Go) ~ san uisce, sa bhairille, deep, low down, in the water, in the barrel.
An ~ thíos, the lower world.
~ íochtair, uachtair, lower, upper, teeth.
~ uachtarach, íochtarach, high, low, church.
Tá an abhainn ag éirí ar na hísleáin, the river is rising over the low grounds.
Sin an rud a d’fhág sínte é, that is what laid him low, killed him.
In ard nó i bh~, high up or low down.
Luí fút, to lie low.
Aon duine ~ easpag, any person lower than a bishop.
Tá ~ ar na híochtair, there is luxuriant growth on the low-lying parts.
~ (fir), stout, low-sized, man.
~ bairr, láir, íochtair, top, middle, lower, sod.
Greann ~, coarse, low, humour.
~ bó, low of cow.
~ a ligean, to low, to bellow, to trumpet.
Labhairt de ghlór ard, íseal, to speak in a loud, low, voice.
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