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~ agus foirm, matter and form.
~ léitheoireachta, reading matter.
Mura bhfuil ort ~ gur scríobadh thú, if there is nothing the matter with you but that you were scratched.
3. An scéal a ainliú, to handle the matter adroitly.
Is ~ atá sé, mar atá sé, nach n-aithním thú, the fact of the matter is that I do not recognize you.
Is cuma ~ nó as é, it doesn’t matter about it.
Ní h~, it is not difficult (to relate); well, as a matter of fact.
Bíodh an scéal ina ~ marbh, let the matter rest.
Níl ~ ní air, there is nothing the matter with him.
Ná ~ an t-airgead, leis an airgead, don’t bother, it doesn’t matter, about the money.
Nach cuma ~the cé a rinne é? It doesn’t matter in the least who did it.
Scéal a bhreacadh do dhuine, to set forth a matter for s.o.
Is é sin mo bhreathnú ar an scéal, that is what I think of the matter.
Tabhair do bhreithiúnas air seo, let me have your verdict on this matter.
Cén bhrí ach gur tháinig an fhearthainn orainn? What matter but that we were caught in the rain?
Is é a bhun is a bharr é go, the fact of the matter is that.
Tá sé ina bhun rúin acu, it is a secret matter between them.
Dá gcuireadh sé a bhundún (dearg) amach, no matter how he tried.
~ an scéil, the root of the matter.
Cá miste duit? What does it matter to you?
Cár chás dá mbeadh ciall aige? What matter if he had sense?
Ábhar i g~, matter in dispute, chose in action.
Tá rud éigin ag ~eamh air, there is sth. the matter with him.
Is é an ~ é (go), the fact of the matter is (that).
Níor chás é (dá, ach go), it wouldn’t matter (if, except that).
Is beag de chás iad, it doesn’t matter about them.
Dá mbeadh an tsláinte agam ba lúide (de) chás é, it wouldn’t matter so much if I were in good health.
Cér chás é (ach)? What matter (but)?
(A) chead aige! A chead a bheith aige! Let him! It doesn’t matter about him!
Cad é atá ~ lena lámh? What’s the matter with his hand?
Rud a thabhairt i g~, to raise a matter (in discussion).
Níl a leithéid de cheol ann, it is no such matter.
char, charbh) Char chás sin (ach), that wouldn’t matter (but).
Fágaimis ~ an scéil fúthu féin, let us leave it to themselves to discuss the matter in detail.
Dá gcuirfinn an ~ beag i mullach an chnoic mhóir, no matter what I’d do (it would not serve).
Treabhaimis an ~ seo romhainn, let us attend to the matter in hand.
~ scéil a fháil, a thabhairt, do dhuine, to get wind of, give s.o. inside information on, a matter.
Dá mbrisfí ~ air, no matter how much he should be punished.
Ábhar ~e, contentious matter, cause of controversy.
~ a chur as scéal, to inquire into a story, a matter.
Dá gcuirfeá an taobh dearg de do chraiceann amach, no matter how much you may rave and storm.
Is é ~ agus deireadh an scéil, na mbeart, (go), the upshot of the whole matter is (that).
~ an scéil, the heart of the matter.
Chuir sin ~ eile ar an scéal, that put a different complexion on the matter.
~ amhrais, iontais, é, it is a matter for suspicion, for surprise.
Níor chuir mé an scéal níos faide, I didn’t pursue the matter any further.
Ag cur leis an ábhar, leis an ócáid, appropriate to the matter, to the occasion.
Scéal a chur trí chéile, to discuss a matter.
~ áthais, bhróid, matter for joy, for pride.
~ gháire, ghoil, laughing, crying, matter.
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