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Similar words: pubic · publican · publicly · puic · pulc
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An pobal, the public, the congregation.
~ biataigh, public hospitaller’s land; ancient land division equated to 480 Irish acres of arable land.
~ poiblí, public policy.
~ poiblí, public relations.
~ (na) féile, public hospitaller’s cauldron.
~ poiblí, public body.
~ a chiapadh, to harass the public.
~ iomlán, poiblí, reachtúil, absolute, public, statutory, duty.
~ poiblí, public official.
poiblí, seachtaine, roimh ré, public, week’s, prior, notice.
Folcadáin phoiblí, public baths.
~ poiblí, public utility.
~ an phobail a chur faoi, ar, dhuine, to bring public odium on s.o.
~ poiblí, public rejoicings.
~í poiblí, public gardens.
~ an phobail a chur le duine; duine a chur faoi ghuí an phobail, to have public prayers said for (the repose of the soul of) s.o.
~ an stáit, the public revenue.
~ phoiblí, public library.
Lucht ~a, readers, the reading public.
~ poiblí, public convenience.
Tharraing sé ~ an phobail air féin, he won public regard for himself.
Dul i ~ na ndaoine, to mingle with the people, to appear in public.
~ phoiblí, public mischief.
~ shaolta iad, they are a public scandal.
Do ~ a ligean leis na comharsana, to wash one’s dirty linen in public.
~ poiblí, notary public.
~ phoiblí, phríobháideach, public, private, nuisance.
Oibreacha poiblí, public works.
Teach (an) óil, public house.
2. ~, teach ~, (i) inn, (ii) public house.
~ phoiblí, public park.
An ~ i gcoitinne, the general public.
Os comhair an phobail, in front of the congregation, in public.
Airgead, comhlacht, dualgas, ~, public money, body, duty.
Triail phoiblí, public trial.
1. An phoiblíocht, the public.
~ dáin, public recital of poem.
Dán a ~, to recite a poem in public; to disseminate a poem.
Ag ~adh an phobail, misleading the public.
Náire shaolta, public scandal.
~í poiblí, public services.
Ná déanaigí ~ (bóthair) díbh féin, don’t make a public spectacle of yourselves.
An ~, the people, the public.
Ar aghaidh an t~, in front of everybody, in public.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to curse, denounce, s.o. in public.
~í an phobail, public agitators; rumour-mongers.
Ná ~ aghaidh an phobail orainn, don’t make a public show of us.
~, teach ~, public-house.
Taithíonn sé an teach tábhairne, he frequents the public house.
Dul ó bhéal na ndaoine, to avoid public censure.
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