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said could be a grammatical form of: say »
Dúirt sé gur leagadh é, he said he was knocked down.
Tú féin a dúirt é, it was you who said it.
Dúirt mé liom féin gurbh fhearr dom fanacht sa bhaile, I said in my own mind, I considered, that it would be better for me to stay at home.
~ é! ~ sin! Dúirt tú é! D’fhéadfá a rá! You’ve said it! You’re perfectly right!
Níl ach a rá go bhfuil ciall aige! It can hardly be said that he has any sense.
Níl dada le rá leis ach an méid sin, there is nothing to be said to him, concerning him, but that.
Mar a dúirt Seán leis an asal, as Seán said about the donkey.
~ a bhaint as caint, a dhéanamh de chaint, to make sense out of what is said; to draw a conclusion from what is said.
~ a dúirt sé, just as he said.
Dúirt mé ~ agus anall leis é, I said it to his face.
~ dúirt sé, then he said.
In ~ a ráite, a dheánta, on the point of being said, done.
Ar seisean, sise, siadsan, said he, she, they.
~ mise, said I.
[’Tá go maith’, ~ Brian. ‘Very well’, said Brian.
5. Ráite agus ~ráite, said over and over again.
Le ~ a dúirt sé é, he said it only for fun.
Baineadh ~ as mo chuid cainte, an inference was drawn from what I said.
Ní ~ a bhfuil ráite, there is enough said.
Ó bhéal a dúirt sé é, he said it only with his lips.
Dúirt tú lán béil d’fhocal, you said a mouthful.
lena bhéal é, I said it to his face.
Tar éis na m~, when all is said and done.
~ a bhaint as caint, to make sense out of what is said.
Níl ag fear ~ ach lán a chluas a thabhairt leis, a deaf man can only attempt to understand what is said.
Rug sé ~ ar mo chuid cainte, he made unfair use of, was unduly critical of, what I said.
Cár bith a dúirt sé, whatever he said.
~ é ba chóir dom a rá? What should I say, have said?
Ba é sin a chanúint liom, that is what he said to me.
Cé agaibh a dúirt é? Which of you said it?
Cé acu agaibh a dúirt é? Which of you said it?
Bhí sé ~ agat é a rá, you should have said it.
Níor chuir mé chucu ná uathu, I said nothing to, did not meddle with, them.
~ rud a dúirt sé, whatever it was he said.
Más ~ a ndúirt sé, if one may believe all he said.
Tá sé ag cur le cosúlacht, leis an rud a dúirt mé, it bears out appearances, what I said.
Is ~ cad é dúirt sé, no matter what he said.
I ndeireadh na dála, when all is said and done.
Ar seisean, de ghlór ard, said he, in a loud voice.
De bharr a bhfuil ráite, on account of what has been said.
An focal ~ a dúirt sé, the last word he said.
Dúirt sé sin agus a lán ~ de, he said that and a lot besides.
Dúirt mé paidir dó, I said a prayer for him.
Níor tháinig ~(ná drandal) as, he never said a word.
Dúirt sé gur dhual don mhac a bheith in aghaidh an athar, he said that it was fated for son to oppose father.
Is dócha, ní hea, is deimhin, go ndúirt sé é, it is probable, nay, certain, that he said it.
Dúirt mé lena ~ é, I said it to his face.
Mar a dúirt an fear ~, as the other man said; as the saying goes.
Ní chuirfidh mé ~ air, I won’t lie about him, distort what he said.
Nár fhága mé seo má dúirt mé a leithéid, may I never leave this spot if I said any such thing.
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