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~ oibre, siúil, strain of work, of travel.
Bhain sé faoi san áit seo nuair a bhí sé tuirseach den siúl, he settled down in this place when he was tired of travelling.
~ siúil, travelling woman.
An ~ a shiúl, to walk, travel, the road.
~ bóthair, siúil, travelling friar.
Tá ~ siúil faoi, he is travelling at a furious pace.
~ imeartha, staidéir, taistil, permission to play, to study, to travel.
~ taistil, permit to travel.
Lá ~ taistil, a suitable day for travelling.
Siúl a chosc, to stop, obstruct, travel.
Ag coisíocht leis, walking, travelling, along.
Ag imeacht i g~, (i) travelling in a coach, (ii) well-to-do.
~ shiúil, éalaithe, theite, path of travel, of escape, of retreat.
Siúl de chois, to travel on foot.
~, costais, tí, taistil, dlí, household, travelling, legal, expenses.
~ na cruinne, na hÉireann, a thabhairt, to make a circuit of, travel round, the globe, Ireland.
Shiúil sé an domhan ar a chúinní, he travelled all the corners of the earth.
Daichead míle (san uair), tríocha míle an galún, a dhéanamh, to do, travel, forty miles (an hour), thirty miles to the gallon.
An ~ a shiúl, to travel the world.
Fear siúlta na hÉireann, ‘travelling man’, itinerant, tramp.
Dá siúlfá ~, dá gcuirfeá slat ar Éirinn, ní bhfaighfeá a leithéid, if you were to travel, to search, all Ireland, you would not get the like of it.
Bhí sé ag cur féir (is uisce) óna chosa, he was travelling fast.
Is fada ~ a shiúil mé ar a lorg, I travelled far and near in search of it.
~ siúil, fast rate of walking, of travelling.
Is éachtach an ~ siúil atá fúthu, they are travelling at great speed.
~ iompair, taistil, means of conveyance, of travel.
Ghluais sé leis ar feadh an lae, he travelled on all day.
~ fostaíochta, taistil, employment, travel, agency.
Ag taisteal ~ thíortha, travelling between countries.
Bhíomar ag imeacht ar feadh na hoíche, we kept travelling all night.
D’~ sé roimhe, he travelled on.
Ag imeacht ar bharr an uisce, travelling over the surface of the water.
~ each, horse-riding, travelling on horseback.
~ imeachta, travelling equipment.
Shiúil sé a ~, he travelled a great deal.
~ breoiteachta, cothaithe, taistil, sickness, subsistence, travelling, allowance.
~ taistil, travelling-speed.
~ taistil, travelling-bag.
Tá ~ shiúil aige, he has an itch for travel.
Tá ~ siúlta aige, he has travelled widely.
Na náisiúin a shiúl, to travel in different countries, among various peoples.
An bealach is measa le siúl, the worst road to travel.
~ den tír a shiúl, to travel a bit of the country.
Shiúil sé na réigiúin, he travelled far and wide.
~ imeachta, chatha, travel-, battle-, weariness.
Dul ar ~, to take the road; to journey, travel.
~ bóthair, travelling show.
Dá ~imis Éirinn, if we were to travel Ireland.
Ag siúl na tíre, travelling the country.
Tá an domhan siúlta aige, he has travelled the world, widely.
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