ball, m. (gs. & npl. baill, gpl. ~). 1. Anat: Organ. ~ den chorp, part, organ, of body. Baill bheatha, vitals. Gach ~ de mo bhaill, every member of my body. Bhí gach ~ díom brúite, I was bruised all over. ~ éisteachta, hearing organ, ear. Na baill ghiniúna, the genitals, the reproductive organs. 2. Component part. ~ de roth, d’inneall, part of wheel, of machine. ~ taca, supporting piece. ~ iompair (áirse), support (of arch). ~ tosaigh (báid), stempiece (of boat). Ó bhall go post, from stem to stern. ~ breise, attachment. An ~ bog, lag (i nduine, i rud), the soft, weak, spot (in person, thing). 3. Member. ~ de theaghlach, de chumann, member of a family, of a society. Tá sé ina bhall mór acu, he is an important person among them. Níl ann ach ~ den saol, he is just an ordinary person. 4. ~ sampla, ~ ar shliocht, fool of a family, of a community. ~ séire, bungler; fool. Tá mé i mo bhall séire acu, they have got me all mixed up. Rinne tú ~ séire de, you made a mess of it. Is maith chun a chéile, is cosúil le chéile, an ~ séire is an giolla, like master like man. 5. Article. ~ éadaigh, troscáin, article of clothing, of furniture. ~ acra, uirlise, implement. ~ airtléire, piece of artillery. Is breá an ~ é, it is a fine article. Is olc an ~ í, she is a bad lot. 6. Spot, place. Gach ~ den teach, den domhan, every place in the house, in the world. I m~ éigin, somewhere. I ngach aon bhall, everywhere. In aon bhall, in one place, together; at the same time. I m~ eile, elsewhere. I lár baill, in the centre. Ar fud an bhaill, all over the place. Ar an m~, on the spot. S.a. 7. Fear ar an m~ é, he is always on the spot, punctual. Ar bhall na háite, on the very spot. Ní fhágfaidh tú ~ na háite go n-óla tú deoch, you will not stir from where you are until you take a drink. 7. (Of time) ~ oibre, spell of work. Ar ~ (beag), (i) a (little) while ago, (ii) after a (little) while, (iii) presently. Ar an m~, immediately. S.a. láithreach2 2. 8. Spot, mark. ~ breac, mottle. ~ broinne, birthmark. ~ dearg, strawberry mark. ~ dobhráin, mole (on skin). ~ dóite, burn. ~ gréine, sun-spot. ~ seirce, love spot, patch. ~ súiche, smut. Tá ~ bán ar an lá, the day is dawning. 9. Sets: Element, member. ~ inbhéartach, ionannais, inverse, identity, element. Baill dho-laghdaithe, irreducible elements. Baill scoite, discrete members.
Duine, áit, ball, a ~t, to recognize a person, a place, an object.
In ~ áit, in ~ bhall, anywhere.
Baill troscáin a athchóiriú i seomra, to rearrange articles of furniture in a room.
Bhailigh sé thart ar ball, he passed by a while ago.
Fuair sé an ball ~ ionam, he got on the soft side of me.
Bhraith sé an ball a bhí uaidh, he spotted the article he wanted.
Ball maith é ina cháil féin, it is a good article of its kind.
Ball gan chaitheamh, new, unused, article.
Ball a cheapadh, to fashion an article.
Ball ~, weak, feeble, spot.
Ball a chostáil, to cost, price, an article.
Ball críochnaithe, finished article.
Bhí ~ ball, ~ cos is lámh, air, he was trembling in all his limbs.
Baill chruinne, rounded limbs.
Ball, siopa, margadh, ~, dear article, shop, market.
Ball éadaigh, scéal, a dhéanamh as rud, to make an article of clothing, a story, out of sth.
Ball éadaigh a dhéanamh do dhuine, to make an article of clothing for s.o.
Níl ball deilbhithe nach ndéanfadh sé, he can fashion anything.
An ball, an meall, is mó ar ~, last but not least.
Éadach, ball, capall, ~, black cloth, article, horse.
Ball dúchais, congenital mark.
Ball éadaigh a dhúnadh, to fasten (up) a garment.
Ball éadaigh, article of clothing.
~ a chur i mball éadaigh, to insert a gusset in a garment.
Ball ~, defective article.
An ball is feiceálaí ann, the most conspicuous object there.
Ball fo-éadaigh, undergarment.
Ball ~, good, useful, article.
Ball éadaigh, cnaipe, a fhuáil, to sew a garment, a button.
Ball a fhuascailt, to redeem an article (from pawn).
Baill ghiniúna, reproductive organs. genitals.
I lár baill, right in the middle.
Ball ~a, borrowed article.
Baill ~a, internal organs.
Ball éadaigh a iompú amach, to turn a garment inside out.
~ baill, ~ bonn; lom ~, on the spot, instantly.
Gach ball ar leith, each individual member.
Ball éadaigh a ~ean amach, to let out a garment.
3. Ball éadaigh a ~ean isteach, to take in a garment.
Duine, ball, ~e, injured person, limb.
Is deas an ball é, ach ní deise ná a ~, it is a nice article, but it is very highly priced.
Ball ~, valuable article.
Ball ~ éadaigh, close-fitting garment.
Ball ~ troscáin, good article of furniture.
Gach uile mhíle ball dá chorp, every single member of his body.
~ bacánach, daingean, uilíoch, sádráilte, úll is cuas, moirtíse is tionúir, rabóide, rothlach, sceimhle, hinge, immovable, universal, soldered, ball and socket, mortise and tenon, rabbet, rotatory, flange, joint.
Liathróid a bhocáil, to bounce a ball.
~ an liathróid, strike the ball.
~ chugam ~ uaim, bandy blows, ball, etc.
2. ~ an phúca, giant puff-ball.
~ thine, thintrí, fire-ball, meteor; thunderbolt.
Liathróid a cheapadh, to field a ball.
1. ~ snátha, súgáin, ball of thread, of sugan.
3. Rinne an ghráinneog ~ di féin, the hedgehog curled itself into a ball.
~ (iomána), hurling-ball.
An ~ a thógáil, a bhualadh, to lift, strike, the (hurling-)ball.
Chomh ~ le liathróid, as round as a ball.
~ shnátha, ball of thread.
Cluiche ~ is liathróide, cup-and-ball game.
Beart, burla, moll, ceirtlín, a dhéanamh de rud, to make a parcel, a bundle, a heap, a ball, of sth.
Liathróid a dhornáil, to fist a ball.
Ghabh sé an liathróid san aer, he caught the ball in the air.
~ iompair, ball-bearings.
~ damhsa, tráthnóna, ball, evening, dress.
~ an liathróid, an cíoná, play the ball, the five of trumps.
An ceirtlín snátha a chasadh, to wind the ball of thread.
~ (liathróide), ball-playing, hurling.
Grán iompair, ball-bearings.
Tá an liathróid ~, the ball is in (play).
Liathróid a ~adh, to lash at a ball; to punt a ball.
~ liathróide, hop of ball.
Liathróid ~, bouncing, hopping, ball.
~ a dhéanamh de rud, to make a ball of sth.
Liathróid mharbh, dead ball.
~ iarainn, luaidhe, ball of iron, of lead.
~ a dhéanamh de rud, to roll sth. into a ball.
Liathróid mhúscáin, sponge ball.
~ gunna mhóir, cannon-ball.
Liathróid a chur i b~, to pocket a ball.
~ liathróide, the roll of a ball.
Ní thabharfá de shamhail dó ach caor thine, you could compare it to nothing but a fire-ball.
An liathróid a sheachadadh, to pass the ball.
An liathróid a chur ar an ~, to spot the ball.
Liathróid a ~adh, to block a ball.
~ cic ar an liathróid, give the ball a kick.
Liathróid a thiomáint, to drive a ball.