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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: comhra · comhrás · comar · comh · comha
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comhrá, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~ite). Conversation. Do chomhrá a dhéanamh, to have a conversation. Dul chun ~ le duine, to enter into a conversation with s.o. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine. a choinneáil le duine, to hold, keep up, a conversation with s.o. Tamall ~, a spell of conversation. Rinne sé ~ linn, he had a chat with us. ~ cailleach, old wives’ tales. ~ béil, gossip, hearsay. ~ na colpaí, prolonged, time-wasting, conversation. Bhí ~ naoi lá air, it was a nine days’ wonder. (As vn.) Ag ~, conversing, chatting (le, with). S.a. bás 1, cleite 2.
Thug sé ~ chomhrá orm, he turned to speak to me.
Déan do chomhrá ó b’~ leat suí, have a chat since you seldom sit down.
Comhrá a athrú, to turn a conversation.
Obair, comhrá, sásamh, a bhaint as duine, to get work, conversation, satisfaction, out of s.o.
Tá sé ag comhrá leis an m~, in agallaimh an bháis, he is near death and is rambling.
~ a chur i gcuideachta, i gcomhrá, to enliven a company, a conversation.
Bhí sé ag brú comhrá orm, he was pressing his conversation on me.
Comhrá a bhualadh ar dhuine, to engage s.o. in conversation.
Bhuail siad leis an gcomhrá, they set to talk.
Comhrá ~, old wives’ tales.
Tá ~ is comhrá aige, he is a sociable talker.
Déan do chaint is do chomhrá, have a good chat.
Comhrá ~, gentle, pleasant, talk.
Duine a chealgadh le comhrá, to beguile s.o. with conversation.
Bhain sé an ~ den chomhrá, he introduced the conversation.
~ do cheiliúr, do chomhrá, air, stop talking to him, let him alone.
Tamall comhrá le ~ a thógáil dínn, a bit of conversation to beguile the time for us.
Níl ~ acu ar mo chomhrá, they have no time for my conversation.
Comhrá a chiorrú, to curtail a conversation.
~ comhrá, subject of conversation.
Cuairt, comhrá, faoi choim, secret visit, conversation.
Comhrá, cuideachta, a choinneáil le duine, to keep s.o. in conversation, in company.
Comhrá a chosc, to stop, prohibit, a conversation.
Comhrá ~, general conversation.
Comhrá cois tine, fireside talk.
Mo chuid den chomhrá, den bhainis, my share in the conversation, in the wedding festivities.
Caint, comhrá, a chur ar dhuine, to engage s.o. in talk, in conversation.
Focal a chur isteach (i gcomhrá), to get a word in, to intervene (in a conversation).
Fuair mé tamall de chomhrá uaidh, he conversed with me for a while.
Comhrá, greann, spórt, a dhéanamh, to make conversation, fun, sport.
Comhrá, súgradh, argóint, a dhéanamh le duine, to converse, play, argue, with s.o.
~ ina chomhrá, reserved in his speech.
Sa chomhrá dúinn, during the course of our conversation.
Dá mbeadh ~ agam mo chomhrá a dhéanamh, if I had time to have a chat.
Comhrá ~, casual conversation.
~ chaint ~ chomhrá, without talk or conversation.
Siúl, comhrá, tamall, ~, short walk, conversation, while.
~ chainte, chomhrá, hum of speech, of conversation.
Ghlac siad an comhrá chucu féin, they took over, monopolized, the conversation.
Comhrá ~, clean conversation.
Chuir sé a ghob sa chomhrá, he intruded himself into the conversation.
~ chomhrá, change of conversation, digression.
I ~ an chomhrá dúinn, when we were in the middle of the conversation.
Bhí siad ag comhrá le chéile, they were chatting to one another.
Chuaigh an comhrá chun leadráin, the conversation dragged on.
Seo mar a ~ an comhrá, this is how the conversation went on.
~ siad den chomhrá, they continued the conversation.
~ siad amach ar an gcomhrá, they began to converse in earnest.
Fear ~ comhrá, peile, a great man for conversation, for football.
Comhrá ~, natural, easy, conversation.
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