Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: deir · deor · devoir · doir · daoir-
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Have you any milk (any tobacco, any money, etc.)? an bhfuil aon deoir bhainne (ghráinne tobac, phingin airgid) agat?
Artificial tears, deora bréagacha.
For (ever and) aye, go brách na breithe, go deo na ndeor.
His face was bathed in tears, bhí na deora go fras leis.
Her cheeks were bedewed with tears, bhí a haghaidh báite le deora.
Her eyes were bedimmed with tears, bhí a súile dallta ag deora.
Her cheeks were blubbered with tears, bhí a leicne ar snámh le deora, ata de bharr goil.
It brought tears to her eyes, bhain sé deora as na súile aici.
F: It is raining (in) bucketfuls, tá sé ag cur ó dhíon is ó dheora; tá sé ag doirteadh.
Crocodile tears, deora bréige.
Eyes that were dim with tears, súile a bhí dallta ag deora.
Eyes dimmed with weeping, súile a bheadh dallta ag deora.
To draw tears from s.o., deora a bhaint as duine.
For ever and ever, go deo deo, go deo na ndeor, go brách na breithe.
With tears in her eyes, agus na deora léi.
He looked on with dry eyes, d'fhair sé gach ní gan deoir a theacht ina shúil.
F: Floods of tears, tuilte, sruth, deor.
He looks fuddled, tá an deoir le haithint air.
F: To gulp down, back, (one's) tears, na deora a mhúchadh, a chosc.
The tears gushed into her eyes, líon a súile le deora.
I did not know where to hide my head, ní thabharfainn deoir fhola le náire.
Hot tears, deora goirte, deora teo.
She was in tears, bhí na deora léi.
To keep back one's tears, na deora a chosc.
She laughed till she cried, bhí sí ag gáire go dtáinig na deora lena súile.
He made us cry with laughter, thug sé na deora linn le neart, le teann, gáire.
He would not touch the least drop, ní bhlaisfeadh sé deoir dá laghad.
She melted into tears, tháinig frasa deor léi.
Eyes moist with tears, súile (a bheadh) bog le deora.
F: I was mortified, ní thabharfainn deoir fhola le náire.
To move s.o. to tears, na deora a bhaint as duine.
Your tears will not move him (to pity), ní bhogfaidh do dheora é.
Never, never, shall I forget it, ní dhéanfad dearmad de go deo, go brách na breithe, go deo na ndeor.
The tears rolled down his cheeks, bhí na deora ina rith lena ghrua.
F: Scalding tears, deora goirte.
Lawn sprinkled with dew, plásóg faoi dheora drúchta.
A squeeze of lemon, cúpla deoir de shú líomóide.
The tears stood in his eyes, bhí na deora sna súile aige.
Tears started from his eyes, tháinig frasa deor lena shúile.
Her face was streaming with tears, bhí frasa deor léi.
Eyes suffused with tears, súile a raibh linn deor orthu.
F: To swallow one's tears, cúl a chur ar na deora; na deora a chosc.
Eyes swimming with tears, súile ina linnte deor.
Swimming eyes, súile lán de dheora.
To shed tears, bheith ag sileadh na ndeor.
A perfunctory tear, deoir nach dtagann ón gcroí.
She did not shed a tear, níor ghoil sí aon deoir.
She wept tears of joy, bhí deora áthais léi.
To move s.o. to tears, na deora a bhaint as duine.
She is easily moved to tears, tá an deoir i ndeas don tsúil aici.
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