~ bhréige, false apparition; empty dream.
Focal gan ~ leis, an empty statement.
(Focal mór, gealltanas) agus ~ leis, vain, empty (boast, promise).
Cógas a chaitheamh ar ~, to take medicine on an empty stomach.
Tá an teach ina fhásach, the house is lying empty, deserted.
Teach fásaigh, empty, uninhabited, house.
1. Soitheach ~, empty vessel.
2. Teach ~, empty house; vacant house.
Níor tháinig tú ~, you did not come empty-handed.
Bheith ar phócaí folmha, to have empty pockets.
Ciseán, mála, a fholmhú, to empty a basket, a bag.
Teach a fholmhú, to empty a house.
Do phócaí a fholmhú, to empty one’s pockets.
Píopa a fholmhú, to empty out a pipe.
Teach ~ folamh, bleak empty house.
Fuighle fáis, empty words.
~ gan arbhar, empty haggard; poor husbandry.
Níl fágtha ach an ~, only the empty site remains.
D’imigh sé agus a dhá ~ chomh fada le chéile, he went away empty-handed.
Ualach a ~ean, to empty a load.
Maíomh na ~ folamh; focail mhóra is mogaill fholmha, empty words, vain boasts.
~ raibh beirt nó triúr ann bhí an áit folamh, except perhaps for two or three people the place was empty.
~ gan ghustal, empty show, empty pride.
Folamh, glan, lom, ó, empty, clear, bare, of.
Bheith ar phócaí folmha, to have empty pockets.
Ar phutóga folmha, on an empty stomach.
Ní sheasann ~ folamh, ‘an empty sack won’t stand’, it is hard to work on an empty stomach.
Tá a bholg ~, he has an empty stomach.
Óráid gan ~, empty oration.
~ gan cur leis, empty show.
Tobar a thaomadh, to empty out a well.
Bairille a thaoscadh, to empty a barrel.