~ móna, portaigh, sodden, poor-quality, turf, bog.
~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to state the qualities possessed by s.o., to give a reference concerning s.o.
Duine a bhfuil an dea-cháilíocht aige, a person of good qualities, character.
De réir a cháilíochta, in accordance with his, its, quality, reputation.
Ag ~ agus ag tormas ar an mbia, complaining about the quantity and quality of the food.
Rud a thabhairt chun cineáil, to develop the natural qualities of sth.
Tá siad ag teacht chun cineáil, they are developing properly, showing their quality.
Tá an ~ ceart iontu, they are of the right quality.
Is fearr greim de choinín ná dhá ghreim de chat, quality is better than quantity.
~ slán, rhyme requiring identity of vowels and agreement of consonants in class and quality.
~ briste, rhyme requiring identity of vowels and agreement of consonants in quality.
Tagann an chré bhuí aníos, bad qualities (in man, beast) are bound to show.
~ in éadach, i mbróga, waterproof quality in clothes, in shoes.
Dhiúl sé an chíoch bhradach, he inherited his bad qualities from his mother.
~ in éadach, bad material, wearing quality, in cloth.
~ ruda, the excellent quality, excellence, of sth.
Ní ar a bh~ ach ar a n-olcas, not for their good but for their bad qualities.
Tá ~ fir faoi, he has manly qualities.
Tréithe ~, sound qualities.
~ olla, choirce, sparse, poor-quality, wool, oats.
Tá an cruas san iarann, iron has the quality of hardness.
~adh agus tomhaiseadh an talamh, the land was assessed for quality and measured.
Níl ~ ceart póir iontu, they haven’t the right quality for seeding.
~ duine, the inherent quality of a person.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to test (the qualities of) s.o.
Tá ~ ar leith san éadach sin, that cloth is of particularly fine quality.
An chéad ~ plúir, first-quality flour.
Den chéad ~, of the first quality.
Is teann an ~ an trócaire, mercy has a most sustaining quality.
~e dúchais, natural qualities.
Tá ~e fónta ann, he has good qualities.
Tá sé de thréith aige go mbíonn muinín ag daoine as, he has the quality to inspire confidence in people.
Péint a bhfuil ~ maith inti, a paint of good drying quality.