A rá is de go ndéanfadh sé sin, to think he would do that.
~ machnaimh a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. food for thought.
Níl aon mhaith le duine ar bith aige sin, he thinks nobody is any good.
Fad na hoíche is ~ linn, we think the night very long.
~ an duine, man’s mind, way of thinking.
Is ~ a shíl sé go raibh fearg orm, the fact is that he thought I was angry.
Ar ~ fhocal, ar ~ tuairim, leat, in agreement with what you say, think.
Smaoinigh, meabhraigh, machnaigh, cuimhnigh, ar, think of, meditate on, ponder over, remember.
Tá ~ na himirce faoi, he is thinking of emigrating.
Mo bharúil gur fíor é, I think it is true.
Cad é do bharúil air? What do you think of it?
Do bharúil an dtiocfaidh sé? Do you think he will come?
Tá ~ mhaith ag an dochtúir de, the doctor thinks that he is doing well.
Tá cuid eile againn ar do bharúil, there are others of us who think as you do.
Tá ~ aithne agam air, I think I know him.
Is ~ liom é, I think it is too small.
Is ~ a shíl mé go n-imeofá mar sin, I never thought you would go off like that.
Shílfeá go raibh a bheatha ag teacht ó neamh chuige, one would think by him that he had no need to earn his living.
Tá sé ag brath ar phósadh, he is thinking of getting married.
Is é sin mo bhreathnú ar an scéal, that is what I think of the matter.
Tabhair, beir, do bhreith air, say what you think of it.
Bhuail smaoineamh mé, a thought struck me.
~ cheiste, smaointe, nicety of question, of thought.
Chaith mé meabhair leis, I gave thought to it. (iii) (Of treatment)
Is é atá ~ acu, they think there is nobody like him.
An síleann tú go bhfuil ~ ar an tine agam? Do you think I mint money?
Tá sé os cionn cinn, he thinks he is something.
~aim go bhfuil an ceart agat, I think you are right.
Sin é a cheapaim, atá mé a cheapadh, that is what I think.
Tá ~ go, it is thought that.
Is é mo cheapadh fós é, I still think it.
Shíl tú an ~, you thought right.
Measaim gur ~ é, I think it is right, proper.
Níor fhan focal agam le ~, I was so nervous that I couldn’t think of a word to say.
Bhí sé i g~ agam an áit a dhíol, I was thinking of selling the place.
Faoi chian, melancholy, sad; thinking long.
Céard atá ar do chloigeann? What’s wrong with your head? What are you thinking about?
Shíl sé ~ máireach go mbainfeadh sé díom é, he thought he would take it from me whether I wished it or not.
~ tola, smaointe, harmony of will, of thought.
~ don ní atá san intinn, contrary to what one thinks.
Níl aon chor ina chroí gan fhios dom, I can anticipate his every thought; I know all his tricks.
Ní chreidfeá ach an t-áthas a bhí air, you can’t think how glad he was.
An rud atá ar a chroí, his inward thoughts, what he really thinks.
Is beag dá chuimhne a bhí agam (go), little did I think (that).
Bhí mo chuimhneamh ort, I was thinking of you.
An bhfuil aon chuimhneamh ar imeacht agaibh? Have you any thought of leaving?
Anois ó chuimhnigh mé air, now that I come to think of it.
Bhí sé ag cuimhneamh ar dhul abhaile, he was thinking of going home.
Beart a chuimhneamh, to think of a plan.
Shílfeá gur ~adh leat é, one would think it was made for you.