Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: sunder · udder · undergo · undue · unwed
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Faoi bhéal an aeir, under the open sky.
de, do, i (> sa); d, t eclipsed under same circumstances as
Faoi ~ an Bhéarla, under the influence of English.
Faoin, thar an, ~, under, over, age.
Ní rachaidh mise ar ~ fharraige inniu, I will not go to sea under any circumstances today.
Duine, ainmhí, a thabhairt ar a ~onacha, to bring a person, an animal, under control.
Faoi ~, under arms.
Bhí beart faoi m’~ liom, I had a bundle under my arm.
Ar bhás an domhain, under no circumstances.
Ní bheidh mé faoi bhur m~ feasta, I will not be under the lash of your tongues any longer.
Cuir faoi bhéal cléibh é, put it under an upturned creel.
Tá sé ag an doras, ar an urlár, sa tine, faoi do chos, it is at the door, on the floor, in the fire, under your foot.
Níl a leithéid faoin m~ bán, there is nothing like it under the sun.
Faoi bhoinn do chos, under the soles of your feet, underfoot.
~ a chur faoi charraig, to insert a levering stone under a rock.
Bheith faoin m~, faoi sháil an bhráca, to be under the harrow, in distress.
Bhris an bruach liom, the bank gave way under me.
~ faoi thoinn, inflammation under the skin.
Faoi bhun pingine, under a penny.
Ní fheadar faoi bhun Dé, I don’t know under God.
Istigh faoi chab leice, in under a flat protruding rock.
Bheith faoi chaimpirín ag duine, to be under s.o.’s thumb, domination.
Idir chamáin, at issue, under discussion.
Chuir sé a cheann ina chamas, he tucked his head under his wing, curled himself up (to sleep).
~ tí, wicker-work (under thatched roof) of house.
Faoi chaolach an tí, under the roof of, within, the house.
Ní bhrisfeadh sé ~ faoina chos, (he is so light of step that) he would not break a twig under foot.
Faoi thóin ~e, under a creel; tucked away in obscurity.
~ ar easair a dhéanamh de rud, to trample sth. under foot.
~ a dhéanamh de rud, to trample sth. under foot; to make a mess of sth.
Dul faoin g~, to get under the blanket, to go to bed.
Níl ~ stiúrtha ar bith ar na páistí sin, those children do not appear to be under any control.
Faoi chlúid, covered, under cover.
Bhí an leanbh ina ~ aici, she had the child under her shawl, wrapped up in her arms.
Chlutharaigh sí í féin faoin éadach, she tucked herself under the (bed-)clothes.
Léine chnis, under-shirt.
Éadach cnis, under-wear.
Bhí scian faoina choim leis, he had a knife under his cloak, concealed on his person.
Faoi choim, under cover, in secret.
Faoi choim na hoíche, under cover of night.
Duine a chur faoi do choimirce, to take s.o. under one’s protection.
Faoi choimirce an stáit, under the aegis, auspices, of the state.
Duine a choinneáil beo, slán, faoi smacht, to keep s.o. alive, in good health, under control.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to do s.o. a favour, put s.o. under an obligation.
Bheith faoi chomaoin ag duine, to be under a compliment, beholden, to s.o.
Ar chomha ná ar chleas, not under any consideration.
D’imigh na ~a uaidh, as faoi, his feet went from under him.
Bhain tú na ~a uaidh, you cut the feet from under him.
~ faoi ualach, le haois, bent under a load, with age.
Ní scarfainn leis ar bhog ná ar chrua, I would not part with it under any circumstances.
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