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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Rud ar bith is fiú a áireamh, anything worth counting, including.
Níorbh áirithe ar thug sé dúinn, what he gave us was not worth mentioning.
Is fearr ~ na srathrach ná iasacht na diallaite, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
ní fiú a bheith ag caint air. Ah, it is not worth mentioning.
Ní fiú ní ar bith é in ~ na beatha thall, it is worth nothing when viewed in relation to the life to come.
Is ~ is fiú é, it is not worth much.
Is ~ le rá é, it is not worth mentioning.
Ní fiú a bhéilí é , he is not worth his keep.
Ní ~ liom, ní ~ dom, mo bheo, my life is not worth living.
Ní fiú ~ é, it is not worth a rush.
Níl cuid bhuíochais ann, it is not worth thanks.
Ní fiú a bheith ag ~ air, it is not worth mentioning.
Is breá an ~ é, it is well worth the price.
Le cois nach fiú sin é, besides its not being worth that.
Is olc an ~ iad, they are hardly worth rearing.
Is olc an ~ nach fiú fead a ligean air, ‘it is a poor hound that is not worth whistling for’, anything is better than nothing.
Dá mbeadh ~ bhuailte ionat, if you were worth beating.
Ní fiú a chuid é, he is not worth his salt.
Luach ~, an dá, phunt, two, the two, pounds’ worth.
Is maith an ~ ort é, you well deserve it; you are well worth it.
Is ~ an rud nach fiú aire a thabhairt dó, it is a poor thing that is not worth minding.
Is maith an t-~ an tsíocháin, peace is something worth having.
Más fiú ~eacht leis, if it is worth listening to.
Baistim ~ ort, you are not worth a damn.
Ní fiú ~~ é, it is worth nothing.
Is ~ punt, an t-airgead, ór na cruinne, é, it is worth a pound, the money, all the gold in the world.
Ní ~ biorán, tráithnín, an t-aon triuf, é, it is not worth a pin, a straw, the ace of clubs; it is of no account.
Is beag is ~ punt anois, a pound is not worth much now.
Cad ab fhiú an obair a rinne sé? What was the work he did worth? Was his work any good?
Ba mhaith ab fhiú mo shaothar é, it was well worth the effort I put into it.
An ~ é? Is it worth it?
Is ~ fanacht leo, they are worth waiting for.
Ní ~ freagra a thabhairt air, he is not worth answering.
Leabhar ab fhiú a léamh, a book that was worth reading.
Rud nárbh fhiú trácht air, something that was not worth mentioning.
Is ~ a rá (go), it is worth remarking (that).
do, le) Is ~ duit é, it is worth your while.
Ní ~ dúinn imeacht anois, it is not worth our while leaving now.
Is ~ liom an oiread sin é, I consider it to be worth that much.
Iarracht fhiúntach, decent, worth-while, effort.
~ a luach, ask for what it is worth.
Inseoidh sin duit cad é ab fhiú é, that will show you how much it was worth.
Is fiú a éacht a ~eadh, his feat is worth recording in song.
~ puint, pound’s worth.
Fuair sé ~ a chuid airgid, he got his money’s worth.
Tá ~ airgid ann; is maith an ~ airgid é, it is worth a lot of money.
Tá a ~ de phléisiúr ann, it is worth it for the pleasure it gives.
Rud a dhíol faoina ~, to sell sth. for less than it is worth.
Ní fiú a ~ é, it is not worth the money.
Ní thabharfá do sheacht ~ air, it is not worth a damn.
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