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uaidh could be a grammatical form of: ó »
He did it of his own accord, rinne sé é dá thoil féin, ar a chonlán féin, uaidh féin.
On and after the first of the month, ar an gcéad lá den mhí agus uaidh sin amach.
He raised the alarm, thug sé an t-aláram uaidh.
He allowed it to be stolen from him, lig sé a ghoid uaidh.
He hadn't any luck from that on, ní raibh lá den ádh air uaidh sin amach.
It works automatically, oibríonn sé uaidh féin.
The ball rolled away from him, roll an liathróid uaidh.
The bridge broke down, thug an droichead uaidh.
He is broadminded, duine é a bhfuil ligean chuige agus uaidh aige.
F: You have only to press the button, oibríonn sé uaidh féin.
John? what can he want? Seán? céard a bheadh uaidh ar chor ar bith?
F: Not by a long chalk, is fada buí uaidh é.
I keep clear of him as far as possible, fanaim amach uaidh chomh maith agus a fhéadaim é.
Spontaneous combustion, m uaidh (uathu, etc.) féin.
That comes easy to him, ní fhaigheann sé anró ar bith uaidh sin; tagann sé sin leis go réidh.
(i) F: He came out with a strange remark, sciorr focal aisteach uaidh; chaith sé caint aisteach.
A creaking gate hangs long, is fada go dtugann an croí fabhtach féin uaidh.
To cut a long story short, she left him, le scéal gairid a dhéanamh de, d'imigh sí uaidh.
He warded off the danger, choinnigh sé an chontúirt uaidh.
It was decided to await his reply, socraíodh go bhfanfaí le freagra uaidh.
He delivered himself of an opinion, nocht sé tuairim, thug sé tuairim uaidh.
He denied himself it, staon sé uaidh.
He kept her at a distance, choinnigh sé amach uaidh í.
A distant view of sth., radharc i bhfad uait (uaidh, etc.) ar rud.
He is a good driver, is ait uaidh tiomáint.
A remark dropped from him, sciorr focal uaidh.
He eased himself of the burden, leag sé an t-ualach uaidh féin; chuir sé an t-ualach de féin.
An oath escaped him, sciorr mionn uaidh.
Nothing escapes him, níl rud ar bith ag dul uaidh.
Ever since (then), riamh ó shin, uaidh sin amach.
Ever after, uaidh sin amach.
He is failing, tá sé ag tabhairt uaidh.
He let the word fall, sciorr an focal uaidh.
Publishers were falling over each other for his new book, bhí na foilsitheoirí ag baint na sála dá chéile ag iarraidh an leabhar nua a fháil uaidh.
He is far from happy, is fada uaidh a bheith sásta.
What a fire-eater he is! nach é an tine bhruite é! ní raibh uaidh riamh ach iarraim cúis!
As from the first of January, ar an gcéad lá d'Eanáir agus uaidh sin amach.
To give way (Also abs. to give) Tugann (uaidh), géilleann.
There is no give-and-take about him, níl ligean chuige ná uaidh aige.
He is only too glad to help you, níl uaidh ach lámh chúnta a thabhairt duit.
The board went, thug an clár (uaidh).
He let go (his hold of) the rope, scaoil sé an téad uaidh.
He handed over his authority, thug sé uaidh a chumhacht.
I have news from him, fuair me scéala uaidh.
He gives orders over my head, tugann sé orduithe uaidh gan a gcur i mo chead.
(Of horse) Flinging out its heels, ag cur a chosa uaidh.
(From) hence, uaidh seo.
From here to there, uaidh seo go dtí siúd.
I got a letter from him, fuair mé litir uaidh.
He let fall a hint . . ., thug sé an leid uaidh go . . .
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