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Similar words: deánta · déata · duanta · dana · dánta
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déanta could be a grammatical form of: déan » · déanamh »
déanta, a3. 1. pp. of déan2. 2. Complete, finished. Margadh ~, completed bargain. Earraí ~, finished goods. Fear ~, fully-grown, well-developed, man. Dochtúir ~, fully-qualified doctor. Amadán ~, complete fool. Tá sé ina sheanduine ~, he is a real old man. 3. (With ar, le) (a) Used, inured, to. Go mbeifeá ~ air, until you got used to it. Tá sé ~ le hobair chrua, he is inured to hard work. (b) Bhí sé ~ lena bhás, he was resigned to die. (c) Iron: Tá tú ~ leis, it has made your fortune for you. 4. (In phrase) ~ na fírinne, to tell the truth, as a matter of fact. 5 : déanamh.
Níl mórán abhrais déanta aige, he has little to show for his work.
Níl maith sa seanchas nuair a bhíos an ~ déanta, it is no use crying over spilt milk.
Tá an t-~ thairis, déanta, aige, he has passed through the crisis.
Ní ~ duit a bhfuil déanta agat, you have done quite enough.
Tá a bheagán nó a mhórán déanta, a certain amount has been done.
Nuair a bhí an ~ déanta, when everybody had eaten.
Nár chuirimid ~ ar an méid atá déanta agat, honestly, you have done very little.
Ar bhruach a bheith déanta, nearly done.
Níor phós sé go raibh ~ déanta aige, he did not marry until he had some savings made.
~déanta, nearly done.
Tá an obair ~ déanta, the work is nearly completed.
Tá ~ na hoibre déanta, the main part of the work is done.
Tá sí ina ~ déanta, she is a fully-developed, grown-up, girl.
An bhfuil sé déanta ~ féin agat? Have you done it already?
Beidh sé déanta ~ an tSathairn, it will be done by Saturday.
Tá an ~ trom den obair déanta, the heavy part of the work is done.
Tá a chláirín déanta aige air, he has become inured to it.
Tá a chnaipe déanta, it is all up with him.
Bhí ~ déanta lena anam aige, he had given himself up for lost.
Tá sé (de) chóir a bheith déanta, chóir déanta, it is nearly done.
Tá a chóta bán buailte, déanta, his fortune is made.
Déanta ina chodanna, made in parts, sections.
Is breá an ~ atá déanta aige, he has done a fine sowing.
Tá a chúram déanta aige, he has fulfilled his trust, finished his work.
I n~ le bheith déanta, nearly done.
Is breá an ~ atá déanta acu inniu, they have turned up a lot of soil today.
Tá a dheascán déanta aige, he has made his pile.
Tá ~ déanta, everything is done.
Níl ~ déanta, there is no harm done; it is nothing.
Gheobhaidh tú do dhualgas nuair a bheidh an obair déanta agat, you will get your proper fee when you have finished the work.
Déanta go ~, made to resist; securely made.
Rud a fháil déanta, tomhaiste, glanta, to have sth. made, measured, cleaned.
~ déanta brící, brickmaker.
Tá a fhoghlaim déanta aige, he has learned his trade; he is experienced.
Tá an obair déanta faoi seo acu, ní ~, they must have the work done by now.
Níl mórán fónaimh déanta againn inniu, we haven’t done much useful work today.
Tá sé i n~ do bheith déanta, it is nearly done.
Tá sé ~ le bheith déanta, it is practically done.
Tá ~ maith den obair déanta againn, we have done a good bit of the work.
Tá a ghnó déanta, he is finished, done for.
is, agus) Is ~ is go bhfuil sé déanta, it is as good as done.
Tá sé láimh le a bheith déanta, it is nearly done.
Bhí ~ beag airgid déanta agam, I had put a little money by.
~ déanta poitín, poteen-makers.
Is ~ liom go bhfuil sé déanta, I am glad it is done.
Tá do mhargadh déanta, you have made your deal; your affairs are settled; your match is made.
Tá an ~ sin déanta, that much is done.
Tá ~ déanta orthu ag an stoirm, the storm has played havoc with them.
Deir sé ~ bhfuil dochar déanta, he says that there is no harm done.
Suigh ~ go raibh do scíth déanta agat, sit until you have rested yourself.
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