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felt could be a grammatical form of: feel »
Tháinig ~ orm gur labhair mé, I felt ashamed that I had spoken.
Thug, chuir, mé in ~ labhairt leis, I felt like speaking to him; I was about to speak to him (but didn’t).
Tú féin a chur i gcéill, to make oneself clear, felt.
Bhí ~ orm é a dhéanamh, I felt a repugnance to doing it.
Bhí ~ air ag imeacht, he felt sad at leaving.
Chuaigh an buille sin go h~, that blow was sorely felt.
Bhí mo lámha ~ ina dhiaidh, my hands felt fresh after it.
Ghabh trua mé dóibh, I felt sorry for them.
Ba gheall lena bhás aige é, he felt as though he were going to his death.
Tháinig ~ orm, I felt queer.
Tháinig ~ an bháis air, he felt the pangs of death.
Bhraith sé é féin ag imeacht, he felt himself going.
Bhí an áit ~ aige, he felt strange in the place.
Bhraith mé ~ ionam féin, I felt flat, bored, with things.
Mhothaigh mé faoi mo chosa é, I felt it under my feet.
Mhothaigh sé ina chnámha é, he felt it in his bones.
~ a bhuaileadh an fonn é, whenever he felt inclined.
Ghlac ~ iontu mé, I felt compassion for them.
De réir mar a bhuaileadh an ~ é, whenever he felt like it.
Tháinig misneach dom, I took courage; I felt better.
Ghabh trua mhór ina ~ é, he felt great pity on her account.
Tháinig ~ ar mo chroí, I felt oppressed at heart.
Bhí ~ orainn linn féin, we felt lonely all by ourselves.
Bhí ~ orm ag siúl na hoíche liom féin, I felt lonely walking through the night by myself.
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