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Tá mé ~ leat, leat ~, I am like yourself in that respect.
Urraim don ~, respect for old age, for seniority.
Tá clú agus ~ air, he is honoured and respected.
Sa cháil sin, in that respect.
I g~ duit, by your leave; with due respect to you.
I g~ don chuideachta, dá chóta, with all due respect to the company, to his cloth.
I g~ do, with all due respect to.
Tá siad ~ (le chéile), they are alike in every respect.
Ar gach aon chor, at every turn; in every respect.
I gcead dá chóta, with due respect to his cloth, notwithstanding that he is a priest.
I gcead don chuideachta, with due respect to those present.
Bhí sé ag iarraidh meas a chur air féin, he was trying to win respect.
Ar an g~ sin, in that respect.
Tá mo dhála féin ort, you are like myself in that respect.
Fear ~ air féin, a self-respecting man.
Tú féin a dhiúltú (faoi rud), to deny oneself (in respect of sth.).
Urraim, trua, a bheith agat do dhuine, to have respect, pity, for s.o.
Bheith gan ~, to be in a poor way; to be without self-respect.
Is ~ athar dó é, he took after his father in that respect; like father like son.
Éilíonn siad cúram, meas, they demand care, respect.
Tá ~ éigin ann, he is wanting in some respect.
An té nach bhfuil urraim le fáil aige, he who is unable to win respect.
Ní ~ daoine eile aige é, he is not like other people in that respect.
Tá mo ghalar féin ort, you are (afflicted) like myself in that respect.
Tharraing sé ~ ar a thír, he won respect for his country.
Fear é a bhfuil ~ air, he is a highly-respected man.
Dul ó ghradam, to fall from high estate; to lose respect.
In urraim duit, out of respect for you.
D’~ sé gan dóigh, he lost his self-respect.
Tá mé leat amhlaidh, I am like yourself in that respect.
Le mórmheas, with great respect.
~ le go raibh meas ar bith acu air, as for their having any respect for him.
~adh mé sa mhéid sin, I was deceived in that respect.
~ a thuilleamh, to earn respect.
Tá ~ ar a fhocal, his word is respected.
Bíodh ~ agat ort féin, show self-respect.
Bheith ~ ort féin, to have self-respect.
~ agus urraim a thabhairt do dhuine, to honour and respect s.o.
~ don aois, respect for age, for one’s elders.
Lena mhodh féin a thabhairt dó, to give him his due, the respect due to him.
1. Is ~ mo mheas air, I respect him all the more for it.
Óna athair a thug sé sin, he took after his father in that respect.
~ tagrach, ablative of respect.
Is olc an ~ urraime iad, they are little worthy of respect.
An ~ do gheibh sé ómós, so long as he is treated with respect.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to do homage to s.o.; to pay respect to s.o.
Tá ~ acu dá n-athair, they dutifully respect their father.
I gcead is in ~ duit, with all due respect to you.
Ag déanamh ~ do na mairbh, abstaining from work out of respect for the dead.
Urraim don ~, respect for the aged.
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