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~ gáire, bróin, gearáin, cause of, for, laughter, sorrow, complaint.
Dul ar bhéal, ar bhéala, Dé, to oppose God’s will, to overdo sorrow.
Do bhradán beatha a chur amach, to die (as of shock, sorrow, etc.).
Níor bhris mo chumha, my sorrow did not cease.
Bheith i m~, faoi bhrón, to sorrow.
Duine a thabhairt faoi bhrón, to bring sorrow on s.o.
Ag déanamh bróin, sorrowing, lamenting.
~ croí, sorrow of heart.
Bheith faoi bhuairt, to sorrow.
~ an tsaoil, the sorrows, cares, of life.
Bhí siad ~ ina dhiaidh, they were sorrowing after him.
~ bróin, primary cause of sorrow.
Níl aon chall bróin air, he has no cause for sorrow.
~ báis, bróin, concealment of death, of sorrow.
Bhí ~ ar a croí, her heart was clouded with sorrow.
Tá sí á cnaí le buairt, le breoiteacht, she is wearing away with sorrow, with sickness.
~ croí a fháil, to suffer heartbreak, to be overwhelmed with sorrow.
Chráigh an saol iad, life brought them its agonies, its sorrows.
Faoi chuing na daoirse, an bhróin, under the yoke of slavery, of sorrow.
Ag déanamh ~, repining, sorrowing.
Gan ~ gan diachair, without pain or sorrow.
~ bróin, deor, cause of sorrow, of tears.
Faoi dhaolbhrat (bróin), under a pall; clouded with sorrow.
Brónach ~, in sorrow and distress.
Lucht (an) dobróin, ‘they that sorrow’, the afflicted.
Tuirse agus ~, weariness and sorrow.
Níor tháinig riamh an mheidhir mhór nach dtiocfadh ina diaidh an ~, all our joys are overcast with sorrow; no joy without alloy.
Ag ~, sorrowing.
Doilíos agus ~, sorrow and affliction.
~ croí, heartfelt sorrow, contrition.
~ a dhéanamh, to be disconsolate, to sorrow.
~ agus doilíos; ~ agus duais, travail and sorrow.
Ná ~ mé faoi bhrón, don’t let me remain in sorrow.
Tá ~ an ocrais, an bhróin, air, he has a look of hunger, of sorrow, about him.
~ chléibh, chroí, body-, heart-, wound; piercing sorrow.
I bpian, i mbrón, in imní, in pain, in sorrow, in anxiety.
~ agus leatrom, sorrow and oppression.
Ná ~ faoi bhrón iad, don’t let them be oppressed with sorrow.
sí í féin le brón, she abandoned herself to sorrow.
~ dubh, ~ta dubha, a dhéanamh, to become depressed, to sorrow.
Tá ~ ar a chroí, his heart is heavy with sorrow.
Bheith faoi mhairg, to be afflicted, to sorrow.
Maolú ar bhrón, to lighten sorrow.
~ bróin, lessening of sorrow.
~ an bhróin, an éadóchais, note of sorrow, of despair.
Croí ~te le brón, a heart crushed by sorrow.
Faoi ~ta bróin, clouded with sorrow.
Táimid ~ leat i do thrioblóid, we sympathize with you in your sorrow; we share in your sorrow.
~ áthais, bróin, fit of joy, of sorrow.
Gan ~ buartha, without a trace of sorrow.
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