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Tá ~ aige ar obair throm, he can stand up to heavy work.
Cos bhacóide a dhéanamh, to stand, hop, on one leg.
Dul chun baiste le leanbh, to stand sponsor to a child.
An ~ a sheasamh, to stand up to heavy pounding; to endure hard work.
Ní raibh ionam seasamh, I was unable to stand.
Tá cuid a chaite ann, it will stand up to hard wear.
Bheith i do cheartseasamh, to be standing erect.
~ lag agus nach raibh ionam seasamh, so weak that I was unable to stand.
Tá, luíonn, sé le ~, it stands to reason.
Níor chis sé ar a chos leonta fós, he hasn’t been able to stand firmly on his sprained foot yet.
Duine a choimeád sa bhaile, óna chuid oibre, ina sheasamh, to keep s.o. at home, from his work, standing.
Bheith ~ le duine, to be distant, stand-offish, with s.o.;
Tá an leanbh ar a chosa, the child is standing up, able to stand on his feet.
~ na Féinne a thabhairt, a dhéanamh, do dhuine, to give, stand, s.o. fair play.
Rud a chur ar sheastán, ar an urlár, to put sth. on a stand, on the floor.
Seasamh ar ~, to stand at the salute.
Seasamh ar g~, to stand back.
Seasamh go ~, to stand fast.
Ní raibh de chiall aige ach seasamh ansin, he had no more sense than to stand there.
Fear comhlainn a dhiongbháil, to stand up to a fighting man.
Seasamh go ~ (le duine, le rud), to stand fast (by s.o., sth.).
Is ~ a bhí sé in ann seasamh, he was scarcely able to stand.
Seasamh sa ~, to stand in the doorway.
~acht i do shuí, i do sheasamh, to remain sitting, standing.
D’fhiúntas a sheasamh, to stand one’s round (of drink).
An ~ a sheasamh, to stand one’s ground.
Ní raibh seasamh an fhóid iontu, they were unable to stand up for themselves.
Ar ~, standing by, standing to (arms).
~ a sheasamh, to stand guard, sentinel.
Seasamh go ~ díreach, to stand up straight.
De réir a ngradaim, according to their standing.
Seasamh ar ghualainn duine, to stand at s.o.’s shoulder, side by side with s.o.
Bheith i do luí, i do shuí, i do sheasamh, to be lying, sitting, standing.
Seasamh, imeacht, ar leathchois, to stand, hop along, on one leg.
B’éigean domsa luí faoin gcostas, I had to stand the cost.
Luí isteach le talamh, to stand in towards land.
Tá sé ag luí le réasún, it stands to reason.
Is ~ gualainn gan bhráthair, it is not good to stand alone.
Bheith ~ le duine, to stand on one’s dignity with s.o.
~adh i do shuí, i do sheasamh, to sit, stand, up suddenly.
Tá sé le ~, luíonn sé le ~, it stands to reason.
Ní sheasann ~ folamh, ‘an empty sack won’t stand’, it is hard to work on an empty stomach.
Dul faoi do ~, to stand on the defensive; to get set for battle.
Dul i ~, to form, stand in, a queue.
~amh díreach, go socair, to stand straight, still.
~amh ar an urlár, le balla, to stand on the floor, against a wall.
~amh suas, ar do chosa, to stand up, on one’s feet.
An fód a sheasamh, to stand one’s ground.
An strus a sheasamh, to stand the strain.
Sháraigh orthu an triail a sheasamh, they failed to stand the test.
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