Le tine is le h~, with fire and sword.
~ scine, rásúir, claímh, edge of knife, of razor, of sword.
Claíomh a bheartú, to brandish a sword.
Claíomh seacht mbrutha, seven times tempered sword.
~ claimhte, clash of swords.
Cheangail sé a chlaíomh air féin, he girded on his sword.
Ag ciorrú le claíomh, hacking with a sword.
~ a iompar, to wear a sword.
~ garman, sword shaped batten (in loom).
~ chlaimhte, clash of swords.
~ claíomh, catha, clash of swords, noise of battle.
~ leabhair, claímh, a guard, a covering, for a book, a sword.
~ déid, ivory-hilted sword.
~ claímh, cross-hilt of sword.
Tháinig siad ~ ar a chéile, they crossed swords, had a disagreement.
Dul i n~ lainne le duine, to cross swords with s.o.
Colg déid, ivory-hilted sword.
Dhearg sé a chlaíomh, he fleshed his sword.
~ claímh, point of sword.
~ claímh, handle of sword.
~ claímh, hand guard of sword.
Riamh nár dhruid ó spairn lann, who never shirked the clash of swords.
Bás le ~, death by the sword.
Le tine is le ~, with fire and sword.
~ claímh, ~ gaisce, sword-land, conquered territory.
~ claímh a dhéanamh, to win land by the sword.
An Claíomh Solais nár fhág riamh ~ buille, the Sword of Light whose stroke never failed.
Éire a chur faoi ghion claímh, to conquer Ireland with the sword.
Claíomh ~, beautifully-shaped, polished, sword.
Claíomh an inneachaidh, the avenging sword.
~ brataí, claímh, cónra, flag-, sword-, coffin-, bearer.
Claíomh a láimhsiú, to wield a sword.
~ claímh, scine, blade of sword, of knife.
Ag leadradh le ~a líofa, smiting with sharp swords.
~ lainne, sword-stroke, sword-wound.
Claíomh a ~adh, to unsheathe a sword.
~ an chlaímh, sword-dance.
~ sleá, claímh, point of spear, of sword.
Reanna agus faobhair, pointed and bladed weapons, spears and swords.
Bás de ~, death by the sword.
Claíomh ~, pointed sword.
Dul chun ~ le, to cross swords with.
Tharraing sé an claíomh as a thruaill, he unsheathed the sword.
~im leis an gclaíomh, to fall by the sword.