The motion was carried by acclamation, ritheadh an tairiscint go lúcháireach.
To make a bid for a house, an oiread seo a thairiscint ar theach.
(At auction, sale) To bid for sth., tairiscint a dhéanamh ar rud.
Bona fide offer, tairiscint dháiríre.
To bring in a bill, bille a thairiscint (i bparlaimint).
The closing bid, an tairiscint dheireanach.
Parl: To ask for a vote of confidence, tairiscint mhuiníne a iarraidh.
To put work up to contract, tairiscintí conartha a iarraidh ar obair.
To fall in with a proposal, aontú m le tairiscint.
I don't fancy his offer, ní thaitníonn a thairiscint rómhaith liom.
To offer s.o. food, bia, greim lena ithe, a thairiscint do dhuine.
Free offer, tairiscint dheonach.
To take up the gauntlet, glacadh le tairiscint comhraic.
To improve on s.o.'s offer, tairiscint duine a shárú.
To jump at an offer, glacadh le tairiscint de léim.
They laughed down the proposal, chuir siad deireadh leis an tairiscint le neart magaidh.
Laughable offer, tairiscint áiféiseach, gan dealramh.
He leapt at the offer, ghlac sé de léim leis an tairiscint.
Liberal offer, tairiscint fhial.
(In debate) The motion was lost, theip ar, buadh ar, an tairiscint.
To put a resolution before the meeting, tairiscint a chur os comhair an chruinnithe.
To judge a proposal on its merits, tairiscint a mheas ar a fiúntas bunaidh.
To bring forward a motion, tairiscint a mholadh.
The motion was carried, ritheadh an tairiscint.
To move a resolution, tairiscint f a mholadh.
To nibble at an offer, bheith ag braiteoireacht faoi ghlacadh le tairiscint.
The noes have it, tá an tairiscint caillte; is ag lucht ná bíodh atá sé.
That is the best offer I can make, ní féidir liom cur leis an tairiscint sin.
To offer s.o. sth., rud a thairiscint do dhuine.
F: To hold out the olive-branch, síocháin a thairiscint.
The opposers of the motion, na daoine atá i gcoinne na tairisceana.
To make overtures to s.o., a thairiscint do dhuine dul i ndáil chomhairle.
To pass off goods as those of another, earraí a thairiscint i leith is gur le duine eile iad.
Cards: Pre-emptive bid, tairiscint choisceach.
To present a bill for payment, bille a thairiscint chun a íoctha.
Mil: To present arms, airm a thairiscint.
To make a proposal, tairiscint, moladh, a dhéanamh.
To propose a motion, tairiscint a mholadh.
Sp: To give, put up, a purse, duais airgid a thairiscint.
St.Exch: To put stock at a certain price, stoc a thairiscint ar luach áirithe.
Reasonable offer, tairiscint chothrom, réasúnta.
Parl: To move to report progress, a thairiscint go dtabharfaí tuairisc ar ar dearnadh.
To tender one's resignation, tairiscint éirí as.
The offer is not to be sniffed at, ní díol neamhshuime an tairiscint.
I'll make you a sporting offer, seo dhuit tairiscint nach miste dul sa seans léi.
To subscribe a book, (i) (of publisher) leabhar a thairiscint (do lucht díolaíochta); (ii) (of bookseller) glacadh le leabhar (lena dhíol).
To give support to a proposal, taobhú, treisiú, le tairiscint.
To support the motion, cuidiú leis an tairiscint.
To invite tenders for a piece of work, tairiscintí a lorg ar obair.
To make, put in, send in, a tender for sth., tairiscint a chur isteach ar rud.