Níor mhór duit ~ láidir a bheith agat chun féachaint air, one would need a strong stomach to look at it.
Tá ~ saighdiúirí ag teacht orthu, they are beginning to look like soldiers.
~ a fháil, a thabhairt, ar rud, to get, take, a look at sth.
~ ar rud, to look at sth.
Le h~ air, to look at him, to see him.
Ag ~ ina sholas féin, looking to his own advantage.
Thug sin an tsúil ~ aige, that enabled him to look forward with confidence.
~ a chur ar do shúile le rud, to look sharply, piercingly, at sth.
Do bhláth a chailleadh, to lose one’s good looks.
Tá sé ina bhog-sheanduine, he is getting on in years, beginning to look old.
Súil bhorb a thabhairt ar dhuine, to look sternly, fiercely, at s.o.
Fágadh ~ air, he was made to look very foolish.
Cás a bhreathnú, to look into, consider, a case.
Breathnú siar ar do shaol, to look back over one’s life.
Breathnú síos, suas, siar, amach, to look down, up, back, out.
Breathnú i ndiaidh duine, to look after s.o.; to attend to s.o.
Síle chaoch a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a fool of s.o., to make s.o. look silly.
An teach, an áit, a choimhéad, to look after the house, the place.
Bhí ~ na haoise ag teacht air, he was beginning to look old.
Súil a chromadh ar dhuine, to look down, frown, on s.o.
Cuir ~ (éigin) ort féin, look to your appearance, smarten yourself up.
~ a bheith agat do rud, to look with favour on sth.
Go bhfága Dia os cionn do chúraim thú, may God spare you to look after your family.
~adh ar dhuine, to look at s.o.; to consider, to have consideration for, s.o.
Duine a bhfuil ~ ann, one who looks to the future; one who considers circumstances.
Ná beannaigh don ~ go mbeannaí sé duit, one should not go out of one’s way to look for trouble.
~ ar dhuine, to turn to, look with favour on, s.o.
Do cheann a chur isteach ar, thar, an ~, to look in the door; to call at the house for a moment.
Tá ~ faoin mbó sin, that cow looks to be in poor condition.
Tá ~ faoi, he looks as if he will come to no good.
Amharc ~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to give s.o. a black look.
I bh~ leis féin atá sé, he is looking to his own interest.
Níor fhág sé é féin ar deireadh, he made sure to look after himself.
~aint síos, suas, i do thimpeall, an bealach eile, to look down, up, around, the other way.
~aint go maith, to look well.
Cás a fhéachaint, to look into a case.
Níor fhéach sé cad ba chúis leis, he didn’t look to see what caused it.
~aint ar chluiche, to look at a game.
Le ~aint air, to look at him, to judge by the look of him.
~aint chugat féin, to look, attend, to oneself.
~ a thabhairt ar rud, to take a look at sth.
Ní fheictear dom an chuma atá air, he doesn’t look good to me.
Bheith i bh~ ruda, to be looking after, attending to, sth.
Ag ~ ar, looking to, attending to; on the look-out for; relying on.
Bheith le ~ duine, to be on the look-out for s.o.
Amharc go ~ ar dhuine, to look sharply at s.o.
Do shúile a ghéarú, to sharpen one’s eyes, keep a sharper look out.
Breathnú i leith do ghéill ar dhuine, to look askance at s.o.
Féachaint trí na gloiní, to look through the glasses, the binoculars.
Féachaint sa ghloine, to look in the glass, in the mirror.