Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: close · lobe · lode · loise · lone
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Chaill an t-éan a chleití, a eiteog, the bird lost its feathers, its wing.
Theip ar an misneach aige, he lost courage.
Tá a lámh in ~ leis, he has lost the use of his arm.
Tá mé ag cailleadh na h~, I am losing my memory for faces.
Chuaigh sé ~ sa dorchadas, he got lost in the dark.
Tá sé ~ ina chuid éadaigh, he is lost in his clothes.
Baineadh an ~ díom, I lost my breath; I was dumbfounded.
Ní raibh ~ ach nár cailleadh iad, they were very nearly lost.
Ar eagla a gcaillte, for fear of losing them.
Gnóthaigh, caill, ar, gain, lose, by.
Cailleadh a mhac air, he lost his son.
Tá mé as cleachtadh na hoibre, I have lost practice at the work.
Bhí siad as a n-eolas, they had lost their way.
Chuaigh siad as a smacht, he lost control over them.
An té nár bhain is nár chaill, he who neither won nor lost, who never ventured anything.
~eadh a radharc air, he lost his sight.
~eadh an tsúil as, he lost an eye.
Murar cuireadh leis an scéal níor ~eadh de, the story lost nothing in the telling.
(Is) ~ buailte é, it is a lost game, cause.
Chaill mé mo chúl ~, I lost my support, the person in whom I had most trust.
Tá mé i mo bhambairne (ag cos thinn, ó cailleadh an capall orm), I am in a predicament, frustrated (with a sore foot, since I lost my horse).
Tháinig ~ orm, I lost heart.
Beifear ~the nó caillte leis, win or lose it shall be attempted.
Má tá na caoirigh caillte, if the sheep are lost.
An pósae a chaill a bhlás, the flower that lost its bloom, its freshness.
Do bhláth a chailleadh, to lose one’s good looks.
Rud a fhágáil, a ligean, ar ~, to lose sth. through absent-mindedness.
Tá mé ag cailleadh mo bhrí, I am losing my energy.
Bhris, ~eadh, ar an bhfoighne aige, he lost patience.
Tá mé punt ~ leis, ann, I have lost a pound by it.
Bheith buaite nó caillte le rud, to gain or lose by sth.; to take a chance on sth.
Tá ~ air ó chaill sé na fiacla, his mouth has sunk since he lost his teeth.
D’imigh siad ó chaidreamh orm, I lost touch with them.
Rud a chailleadh, to lose sth.
Chaill mé scilling ar chapall, I lost a shilling on a horse.
Tá mé ag ~eadh mo chuimhne, I am losing my memory.
Chaill siad a máthair, they lost their mother.
Ná ~ do chroí, don’t lose heart.
Is beag nár chaill sé a anam leis, he nearly lost his life over it.
Chaill siad a raibh acu, they lost everything they had.
Cluiche, troid, a chailleadh, to lose a game, a fight.
Má chaillim an cás, if I lose the case.
Sin an rud a chaill an lá orthu, that is what lost them the day.
Chaill sé ar na cártaí, he lost at cards.
Níor ~eadh leath dá ndeachaigh i gcontúirt, all that is ventured is not lost; nothing venture, nothing win.
Bheith ~ le rud, to lose by sth.
Chaill sé an chaint, he lost his speech.
Is é an chaoi ar chaill sé é, what happened was that he lost it.
Chaill sé a chiall is a chéadfaí, he lost, took leave of, his senses.
Ar ~ ó do mhuintir, gone from, lost to, your people.
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