~ an tsaoil, the pleasures of the world.
~ a chur ar an saol, ar an ól, to get to know (the ways of) the world, (the effects of) drink.
Ag teacht ~ sa saol, rising up in the world, prospering.
Tá an saol ~, the world exists.
Ag teacht ~ sa saol, coming down in the world.
Ar ór na cruinne, (not) for all the gold in the world.
Ag iarraidh ~ a chur ar an saol, trying to settle the affairs of the world.
Ní raibh ~ aige ach é féin, he was all alone in the world.
Gach ~ den teach, den domhan, every place in the house, in the world.
~ le hÉirinn, open to the wide world.
Tá sé ag bisiú sa saol, ina ghnóthaí, he is getting on well in the world, in his business.
Sa bhith, ar an m~, in the world.
Sa bhith críoch, in all the world.
Is mór a bhorr na daoine sin, those people have got on well in the world.
Ar feadh an bheatha, an domhain, an tsaoil, bhraonaigh, throughout the whole wide world.
~ eadh anuas é, he came down in the world.
Bualadh faoin saol, to set about (the responsibilities of) life; to go out into the world.
Tá ~ sa dream sin, those people are able to make their way in the world.
Saol crua ~, hard unfeeling world.
I g~ an domhain, while the world lasts, to the end of time.
Níl aon chaitheamh sa saol orm, I haven’t a care in the world.
Níl sa saol ach ~ is cáineadh, the world is full of censure.
Bhí an saol ina chalm, the world, everything, was calm, at peace.
~tar na daoine ar a chéile (ach ní chastar na cnoic ná na sléibhte), it is a small world (if one moves around).
Bainfidh an saol ~ as, the world will teach him a lesson. (With article)
Ar bith cé, in this world.
Níor cheadaithe liom ar ór na cruinne é, I would not wish it for all the gold in the world.
Gach ~ den domhan, every corner of the world.
Má tá ~ le fáil, if there is justice in the world; if one may expect justice.
Tá an saol ag gabháil i g~, all’s well with the world.
1. An cheathairchruinne, the elemental world; the universe.
An cheathairdhúil, the elemental world.
An chruinne cheathartha, the elemental world, the universe.
Sin an rud a thug i g~ é, that is what brought him up in the world.
Tá sé i mbarr na gceirtlíní geala, he is on top of the world, in high spirits.
Teacht ~ an tsaoil, to come into the world.
An ~ ainmhíoch, the animal world.
Níl ~ cás ná cathú air, he hasn’t a care in the world.
Tá an saol mór faoi chiúnas, all the world is hushed.
An domhan cláir, the wide world.
~ mara, spéire, domhanda, adamhach, naval, aerial, world, atomic, war(fare).
Cortha den saol, weary of the world.
An saol ~, the sinful world.
Tá an saol faoi chónaí, the world is in repose.
Cad is ~ dó anois? How is the world treating him now?
Choscair an saol iad, the world vanquished them.
~í na cruinne, the margins of the world.