Agus a dhaoire a chosain siad dó, considering how dearly they cost him.
Ag áireamh maoine, costais, calculating means, cost.
Ar ~ nó ar éigean, willingly or unwillingly; at all costs.
Beidh costas na scéime orainn, we will have to bear the cost of the scheme.
Tá scilling ar an iris sin, that journal costs a shilling.
Tá an bheatha ag éirí daor, the cost of food is rising.
~ cainníochta, costais, díolacháin, luchtaithe, malairte, bill of quantities, of costs, of sale, of loading, of exchange.
Costas ~e, additional cost.
Cuid dá chéad de bhuannacht bhunaidh orthu, the cost of billeting two hundred men to be a prescribed charge on them.
Déan é dá gcailltí choíche thú, do it at all costs, or perish in the attempt.
An costas beatha, cuir i g~, take the cost of living, for instance.
Déan é, dá gcailltí ~ thú, do it at all costs; do it like a man.
~ máireach, right or wrong, at all costs.
~ gan chaillteanas, a good turn that costs nothing; a cheap favour.
An costas a chomhaireamh, to count the cost.
An méid a chosain an teach dom, orm, what the house cost me.
Chosain siad scilling an ceann, they cost a shilling each.
Ball a chostáil, to cost, price, an article.
Cléireach costála, costing clerk.
~ ruda a íoc, to defray the cost of sth.
~ beatha, maireachtála, cost of living.
Ar an gcéad chostas, at prime cost.
Ar bheagán, ar mhórán, costais, at little, great, cost.
Gan ~ ar chostas, without regard to cost.
Costas, cineáltas, a chúiteamh, to repay cost, kindness.
A bhfuair mé dá dhéine agus dá dhua, all the effort and trouble it cost me.
Chuir sé chun mo dhíchill mé, it cost me an all-out effort.
~ cíosa, costais, payment of rent, of cost.
Mo chuid den ~, my share of the cost.
Chosain sé céad punt má d’fhan sé air, it cost a hundred pounds if not more.
Níl cíos, íoc ná ~ air, he has everything free of cost.
Scilling a fhiacha, it costs a shilling.
Beidh do shláinte i n~ leis, it will cost you your health.
Costas a ghearradh (anuas), to cut down costs.
Bille, costais, a ~, to pay a bill, costs.
Costas iompair, cost of conveyance.
Dá mb’~ leat is do bhás é, even if you thought it would cost you your life.
1. ~ an chostais, the smallness of the cost.
Costas, tuarastal, teocht, a laghdú, to reduce costs, wages, temperature.
Níor ~ sé pingin mé, it didn’t cost me a penny.
~ i gcostas, allowance in cost.
~ sé cuid den chostas dom, he allowed me part of the cost.
Tá costas, saothar, trioblóid, leis, it entails cost, labour, trouble.
Déanfaidh mé é nó caillfidh mé ~ leis, I will try it even if it costs me a fall.
Ba ~ an costas an t-airgead a íoc anois, it would cost less to pay the money now.
B’éigean domsa luí faoin gcostas, I had to stand the cost.
Cá mhéad atá air? How much does it cost?
Sin an ~ a chosain sé, that is what it cost, all it cost.
Chosain sé an ~ seo, it cost so much.
Is beag as a phóca é, it costs him little; he can well afford it.