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Tá sé ag dul, ag tarraingt, ~, he is dying.
Go dté ~ orm, to my dying day.
Mura bhfaighe mé bás in ~, unless I die suddenly.
Tá an bás d’~ ag gach aon duine, everybody is fated to die.
Fuair sé bás in ~, he died miserably.
Leanbh gan bhaisteadh, unbaptized child, child who dies without baptism.
~ a fháil (de, le, rud éigin), to die (of sth.).
Tá an ~ aige, he is dying.
Go lá mo bháis, to my dying day.
~ a chaitheamh, to make a throw (at dice).
Is cuma liom ~ nó éag, mo bheo nó mo mharbh, I care not whether I live or die.
Dul ar an m~ fada, to die, to take the last long journey.
Do bhradán beatha a chur amach, to die (as of shock, sorrow, etc.).
Tá an ~ buailte (agus an gaiste tabhartha), the die is cast.
~eadh go hóg é, he died young.
Ó ~eadh a n-athair, since their father died.
Díslí a chaitheamh, to cast dice.
Rud a chur ar chaitheamh díslí, to gamble sth. on throw of dice.
Is é an bás a ~adh dúinn, it is assigned to us to die.
Rud a chur siar gan ~ lae, to postpone sth. indefinitely, sine die.
A ~adh agus a fuair bás, who was crucified and died.
Ní raibh sé i bhfad ag ~, he was not long ailing (before he died).
Dul chun na ~e, to die, to be laid to rest.
Chiúnaigh an ghaoth, the wind died down.
Chlaon Sé a cheann sa chroch dúinn, He inclined His head, died, on the cross for us.
Go dté mé faoi chlár, to my dying day.
Bhí mé marbh leis an g~, I was dying with sleep.
Is cosúil go raibh an bás sin ina chomhair, it seems he was fated to die in that way.
Ba chosúil air go raibh an bás aige, he had the appearance of a dying man.
Go dté mé i g~, to my dying day.
Tá sé ag ~eadh na gcos, he is giving his last kick, dying.
I g~(anna) báis, in a dying state.
Tá sé ar a chuntas, he is going to his account, dying.
Bhí an bás i n~ dó, he was fated to die.
Fuair sé bás den ocras, he died of hunger.
Bhí sé ~ lena bhás, he was resigned to die.
~ (imeartha), die.
Díslí a imirt, a chaitheamh, to play, cast, dice.
Rud a chur ar dhíslí, to cast dice for sth.
Urchar ~, cast of die.
Glasraí a dhísliú, to dice vegetables.
Dul in ~, dul d’~, to die; to expire, die out, become extinct.
Chuaigh sé d’~ leis an tart, he died of thirst.
Ós ~ dó an bás, since he must die.
Fuair sé bás ~, he died a long time ago.
Bás a fháil, to die.
~ an bháis, place where one is fated to die.
Bhí na seanamhráin ag fuarú, the old songs were dying out.
Lig don scéal sin fuarú, let that matter die down.
Tiarnaí Gael ag dul ar fuarú, the lords of the Gael dying out.
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