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Similar words: lie-in · live in · let in · lien · ligin
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Tá an féar ar a bhuille, the hay is lying in swaths.
Duine a chur i gcré na ~e, to lay s.o. in consecrated earth, to bury s.o.
Bhí siad (ina luí) i g~ chró, they were lying in their blood.
Lón a chur isteach, to lay in provisions.
Fanacht ar an g~, to stay in the background; to lie low.
In ~ ar, lying in wait for.
Síneadh faltanais a dhéanamh roimh dhuine, to lie in wait for s.o.
Airgead a chur i bh~, to put money in reserve; to lay money by.
An ~, the man in the street, the ordinary (lay)man.
(Corp) ina luí faoi ghradam, (a body) lying in state.
A raibh de ghuaiseacha ina oirchill, all the dangers that lay in wait for him.
Tá siad ina luí le gréin, they are lying in the sun.
Rinne siad ~ thart thart, they lay around in a circle.
~ an bosca sa chlúid, lay down the box in the corner.
Is móide bhur neart bhur ~, your strength lies in your numbers.
Bia a lónú, to lay in food; to hoard food.
Tá na málaí ina ~ sa scioból, the bags are lying (unused) in the barn.
Tá airgead ina ~ sa bhanc aige, he has money lying in the bank.
Bhí siad ina ~ romhainn sa bhearnas, they were lying in wait for us in the gap.
Luí ar leaba, sa ghaineamh, faoi scáth crainn, to lie on a bed, in the sand, under the shade of a tree.
siad amuigh faoin ngrian, they lay out in the sun.
~ an sneachta sna polláin ar feadh seachtaine, the snow lay in the hollows for a week.
Luí roimh dhuine, to lie in wait, in ambush, for s.o.
ar, le) Luí isteach le duine, to lie in close to s.o.
Bhí sé ina mheig sa leaba, he lay quite still, was fast asleep, in the bed.
Bheith, fanacht, in ~ ar dhuine, to lie in wait for s.o.
Daoine ~ agus daoine rialta, lay persons and persons in religion.
2. Luí seoil, lying in.
Suí, luí, ~ sa chathaoir, to sit, to lie, back in the chair.
Bheith i do shuí, i do luí, go ~, to be sitting, lying, in comfort.
Arbhar ar ~, corn lying in swaths.
Bhí sé caite ansin ina ~, he was lying there in a heap.
~ a chur isteach, to lay in a store.
Fad a théann mo dhícheall, as far as in me lies.
Bhí a gcnámha ag ~ san fhásach, their bones lay whitening in the wilderness.
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