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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: cáim · céid · céimí · céin · céir
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
céim, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Step. (a) ~ (ar aghaidh, ar gcúl) a thabhairt, to take a step (forward, backward). ~ siar, retrogression. ~ siar a bhaint as duine, to set s.o. back a step. ~ suas, a step up, an uplift. ~ síos, a step down, humiliation. ~ chothrom, even step. ~ ar chéim (le), step by step, in line (with). Páirc a thomhas ina ~eanna, to step a field. Thomhais mé Éire ina ~eanna miona, I have stepped every sod of, walked in every corner of, Ireland. (b) ~ staighre, dréimire, step of stairs, of ladder. ~ chloiche, stone step. (c) ~ (i gclaí, i mballa), stile. 2. Degree. (a) ~ fáis, galair, éabhlóide, stage of growth, of disease, of evolution. ~eanna na gealaí, phases of the moon. ~ teochta, degree of heat. ~ ginealaigh, genealogical degree. (b) ~ ciorcail, degree of circle. Uillinn tríocha ~, angle of thirty degrees. ~ leithid, degree of latitude. (c) ~ scriú, pitch of screw. (d) Mus: ~ (den scála), degree. (e) Gram: Degree. An chéim chothroim, chomparáide, the equative, comparative, degree. (f)Sch: ~ ollscoile, onóracha, university, honours, degree. ~ oinigh, honorary degree. ~ a fháil, a bhronnadh, to take, confer, a degree. 3. Rank. Do chéim sa saol, one’s station in life. Ard, íseal, i g~, of high, low, degree. Dul i g~ (agus i gcumhacht), to attain to rank (and power). Duine a chur i g~, to exalt s.o. Sin an rud a thug i g~ é, that is what brought him up in the world. I gcoróin is i g~, in rank and sovereignty. A chéim a bhaint de dhuine, to deprive s.o. of his rank, of his dignity. ~ a bhreith ar dhuine, to rise above, surpass, s.o. Ar aon chéim le, of equal rank with; on a par with. De réir ~e, according to rank. ~ chreidiúna, a certain amount of distinction. ~ oifigigh, rank of officer. Ardú, ísliú, ~e, promotion, demotion. 4. Geog: Pass, ravine. 5. Tls: Rabbet. 6. Difficult measure, difficulty. ~ chrua, difficult situation. Rug ~ orm, I got into difficulties. Níor chéim leis é a dhéanamh, it was no trouble to him to do it. Ba chéim a gcomhaireamh, it would be tedious to count them. (Var: m)
Ceann ar cheann, céim ar chéim, one by one, step by step.
Céim ar ~ a thabhairt, to take a step forward, make progress.
~ i gcéim, of high rank.
Duine a ardú ina phost, i gcéim, to promote s.o. in his job, in rank.
~ céime, promotion in rank.
Céim bhacaí a bheith ionat, to have a limp.
Céim a bhreith (thar, i gcoinne), to take a step (over, towards).
~adh céim air, a degree was conferred on him.
Sála, céimeanna, ag ~eamh, heels, steps, getting worn down.
Ní chinnfinn céim thar ceart, I would not go one step further than I should.
Céim choistíochta bille, committee stage of bill.
Céimeanna ~e, degrees of comparison.
Céimeanna ~e aidiachta a thabhairt, to compare an adjective.
Ag ~ le hardú céime, striving for promotion.
Clú, onóir, céim, a fháil, to get a reputation, an honour, a degree.
An té is gaire céim dó, the person nearest in rank to him.
Bhí céim bhacaí ann, he walked with a limp.
~ céime, rollach, teanntála, step-, roller-, thrust, bearing.
3. ~ i gcéim, low-ranking.
Duine a ísliú i gcéim, to reduce s.o. in rank.
~ céime, reduction in rank.
Shíl mé go raibh céim bhacaí leat, I thought you were walking with a limp.
Céimeanna a mharcáil, to register degrees.
~ (de chéim), minute.
4. Céim oinigh, honorary degree.
Cúrsa, céim, onóracha, honours course, degree.
Céim ~, honorary degree.
~ céime, step-dance.
3. ~ céime, chain of office.
Suaitheantais a chéime, the insignia of his rank.
Céim shubstainteach, substantive rank.
Céim, onóir, a thabhairt, to give a degree, an honour.
Is doiligh na céimeanna sin a thógáil, those steps are hard to climb.
Céim, caint, thomhaiste, measured step, speech.
(céime, of step).
(Ar) ~ seasca céim, (at an) angle of sixty degrees.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht