understand. 1 Tuigim. a I don't understand French, níl aon Fhraincis agam. I don't understand the sentence, ní bhainim aon chiall, aon bhrí, as an abairt. To understand one's business, eolas, fios, do ghnó a bheith agat. To understand business, bheith eolach ar, ciall a bheith agat do, chúrsaí gnó. To understand horses, bheith eolach, oilte, ar chapaill. To understand driving a car, bheith eolach ar charr a thiomáint. To understand sth., rud a thuiscint, a thabhairt leat. To understand s.o.'s grief, tuiscint do bhrón duine. Abs.Now I understand! anois tá sé agam! I am at a loss to understand it, ní thuigim ar chor ar bith é. I can’t understand why . . ., téann díom a thuiscint cad chuige ... That's easily understood, is furasta sin a thuiscint. b To give s.o. to understand sth., rud a thabhairt le tuiscint do dhuine. What he said gives one to understand that . . ., tuigtear as a chuid cainte go . . . Am I to understand from you that. . .? an bhfuil tú á rá liom go . . .? I understand that he will consent, de réir mar a thuigim beidh sé sásta. Now understand me, I am resolved to . . ., bíodh a fhios agat, beir leat uaim, gur rún dom . . . 2 v.i. To understand about an affair, bheith eolach, oilte, ar chúrsa.
I didn't understand a word, níor thuig mé aon fhocal.
I did not understand the bearing of his words, níor thuig mé an rud a bhí ar chúl na cainte sin aige.
I never could understand music, chinn sé orm, ní raibh sé i mo cheann finne, ceol a thuiscint riamh.
I can understand your doing it, tuigim cén fáth a ndearna tú é; thuigfinn go ndéanfá é.
You must clearly understand that . . ., caithfidh tú a thuiscint go cruinn go . . .
I fail to understand why . . ., ní féidir liom a thuiscint cén fáth . . .
Flash of understanding, leas m tuisceana.
To give s.o. to understand sth., rud a thabhairt le tuiscint do dhuine.
He only half understands, níl aige ach leath-thuiscint air.
I don't know that he understands it, tá mé in amhras nach dtuigeann sé é.
F: I cannot for the life of me understand why, ní thuigim beirthe ná beo cad ina thaobh.
I am at a loss to understand how he did it, tá sé ag dul díom a thuiscint conas a rinne sé é.
Ta make sth. known, understood, rud a chur in iúl, i dtuiscint.
I can't understand it -- No more can I, ní thuigim ar chor ar bith é -- Ná mise ach an oiread (leat).
Mutual understanding, comhthuiscint f -ceana.
You understand, do you not, don't you? tuigeann tú, nach dtuigeann?
Understanding of . . ., tuiscint i ...
Once grasp that and you will understand it all, tuig sin agus tuigfidh tú an t-iomlán.
To one who understands, it is evident that . . ., is follasach don té a thuigeas go . . .
It is past all understanding, níl tuiscint air; tá sé ó thuiscint.
I quite understand, tuigim go maith.
Speak so that you are understood, labhair sa dóigh go, ar chuma go, dtuigfear thú.
Speak so as to be understood, labhair chun go dtuigfear thú.
To reach the age of understanding, teacht go haois na tuisceana.
A person of good understanding, duine tuisceanach.
His understanding of the matter, conas mar a thuigeann sé an scéal; an mheabhair a bhaineann sé as an scéal.
Friendly understanding, socrú muinteartha.
To have an understanding with s.o., bheith i gcomhar le duine.
To come to an understanding with s.o., teacht chun réitigh le duine.
On the understanding that . . ., ar chuntar go . . .
It is an understood thing that . . ., tá a fhios go . . .
That is understood, tá sin socair.
Why he should always be late, I do not understand, rud nach dtuigim, cad ina thaobh a mbeadh sé déanach i gcónaí.
With your intelligence you will understand that, duine chomh hintleachtach leatsa tuigfidh sé an méid sin.