Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: ruaigh · truagh · tuaigh · tóraigh · traígh
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
He is to be pitied, is díol trua é.
Bowels of compassion, an trua f.
Not but that I pity you, agus ní hé nach bhfuil trua agam duit.
I deplore his fate, is trua liom a chás.
He was divided between hatred and pity, níor threise an fuath ná an trua aige.
I feel for him, tá trua agam dó, tuigim dó.
Oh! for a draught of wine! trua gan deoch fíona agam!
I regret to have to inform you that . . ., is trua liom a bheith le rá agam leat go ...; is oth liom a chur in iúl duit go . . .
Hard lines! tá sin go bocht! is mór an trua thú!
My heart melted with pity, choscair mo chroí i mo chliabh le trua.
Without mercy, gan trua gan taise.
To show mercy to s.o., trua a dhéanamh do dhuine.
It is more his misfortune than his fault, is mó is díol trua é ná díol cáinte.
(The) more's the pity, móide an trua.
To move s.o. to pity, trua a chur ar dhuine.
Have pity on him, bíodh trua agat dó.
F: Isn't it pathetic? nach é an trua é?
She's a pathetic creature, is mór an díol trua í.
It is pitiable! is mór an trua é! is bocht an rud é!
It was pitiful to see him, chuirfeadh sé trua ort le bheith ag breathnú air.
To take pity on s.o., trua a ghlacadh do dhuine.
I felt pity for him, bhí trua agam dó; ghlac mé trua dó.
To move s.o. to pity, trua a chur ar dhuine.
To do sth. out of pity for s.o., rud a dhéanamh le trua do dhuine.
What a pity! nach mór an trua é! nach é an feall é!
It is a great pity, is mór an trua é.
He is to be pitied, is mór an díol trua é.
Iron: Poor fellow! poor you! nach tú atá thart! nach tú an díol trua, muis!
Poor me! nach mé an trua Mhuire!
To be prompted by a feeling of pity, corraí le teann trua.
I regret to inform you that . . ., is trua liom a bheith le rá agam leat go . . .
We very much regret to hear . . ., is trua linn a chloisteáil . . .
It is to be regretted that . . ., is mór an trua . . .
It is regrettable that . . ., is trua go . . .
What a shame! nach mór an trua, an feall, é!
I am sorry for him, tá trua agam dó; is trua liom é.
To stir s.o. to pity, trua a mhúscailt i nduine.
The prisoner, too, inspired little sympathy, rud eile dhe is beag trua a bhí don phríosúnach; ní raibh puinn trua don phríosúnach ach chomh beag.
It is unfortunate that . . ., is é an donas, an trua é, go . . .
Unsparing of others, gan taise, gan trua, do do chomharsa.
To use sth. unsparingly, bheith flúirseach faoi rud. 2. Gan trua, gan taise.
A little sympathy goes a long way, is mór an mhaith rud beag trua.
I wish he would come! is trua nach dtagann sé!
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