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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: bod- · bog · bogh · bogy · boig-
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
bog-4, pref. 1. Soft, mild. 2. Nearly. 3. Easy.
bog1, m. (gs. boig).Soft. An ~ agus an crua, the soft and the hard. ~ na cluaise, lobe of ear.
bog2, a1. 1. Soft. (a) (Of substance, texture) Adhmad, leathar, ~, soft timber, leather. Talamh, fód, ~, soft, yielding, ground, sod. Éadach ~, soft cloth; loosely-woven cloth. Cathaoir bhog, easy-chair. Chomh ~ le him, soft as butter. S.a. pis13. (b) Tender. Feoil bhog, tender meat. Craiceann ~ mín, soft smooth skin. Leanbh ~ óg, child of tender years. Cailín ~ dathúil, girl of tender beauty. (c) (Of physical condition) Duine ~ ramhar, fat and flabby person. ~ sna cnámha, brittle-boned. (d) (Of disposition) Bheith ~ le duine, to be indulgent, lenient, with s.o.; to let s.o. impose on one. Tá croí ~ aige, he has a soft heart. Fuair sé an ball ~ ionam, he got on the soft side of me. Airgead a chaitheamh go ~, to spend money freely, foolishly. An rud a fhaightear go ~ caitear go ~ é, easy come, easy go. Is ~ atá do chraiceann ort; is ~ a d’fhás an olann ort, you are easily imposed upon. (e) (Of living, conduct, etc.) Saol ~ a bheith agat, to have an easy time of it. Tóg (go) ~ é, take it easy. Is breá ~ atá sé agat, it is easy for you to talk. Beir ~ ort féin, go easy; calm yourself. Go ~ réidh, nicely and easily. Go ~ socair, at ease. Chuaigh sé go ~ agus go crua orm, he tried to persuade me by all means. (f) (Of sound, voice) Guth, glór, ~, soft, mellow, voice, sound. Ag gol go ~, crying softly. Go ~ binn, softly and sweetly. (g) (Of weather) Aimsir bhog, soft, wet, weather. Fearthainn bhog, soft rain. Geimhreadh ~, mild, humid, winter. Lá ~ braonach, soft misty day. 2. Loose. (a)Snaidhm bhog, loose knot. Greim ~, loose grip. Fiacail bhog, loose tooth. Casacht bhog, loose cough. Rud a cheangal go ~, to tie sth. loosely. (b)Tá sé ~ as a chorp, he is loose in the bowels. 3. Lukewarm. Uisce ~, lukewarm water. Bheith ~ i, ar, rud, to be lukewarm about sth., unconcerned about sth. Rud a ithe, a ól, ~ te, to eat, drink, sth. while it is warm. Imeacht ~ te, to go off hotfoot.
bog3, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha).1. Soften, become soft. (a)Rud a bhogadh le teas, le cuimilt, to soften sth. with heat, with rubbing. ~ le huisce te é, soften it with warm water. Pian a bhogadh, to ease pain. Dath a bhogadh, to soften, tone down, colour. Smacht, coinníollacha, a bhogadh, to ease, relax, control, conditions. Drochscéala a bhogadh do dhuine, to prepare s.o. for bad news. (b)Bainne a bhogadh, to warm, take the chill out of, milk. (c)Tá an aimsir ag ~adh, the weather is getting mild(er). Tá an sioc, an leac oighir, ag ~adh, the frost, the ice, is yielding. (d)An croí a bhogadh i nduine, to soften, move, s.o.’s heart. Bhog mo chroí leo, my heart warmed to them. Bhog an ceol é, the music moved, affected, him. Tá sé ~tha ag an ól, he is half-drunk, mellow. 2. Move, loosen. (a)Cloch a bhogadh, to move, dislodge, a stone. Tairne, greim, a bhogadh, to loosen a nail, a hold. Téad a bhogadh, to slacken a rope. Bhog an tsnaidhm liom, the knot came away with me. ~ díom, release (your grip on) me. Bhog sé den roth, he let go the wheel. (b)~adh as áit, to move out of a place. Do cheann, do mhéar, a bhogadh, to move one’s head, finger. ~ (suas) thú féin, stir yourself up. ~ do chos, do lámh, get a move on, get busy. Níor bhog sé cos, he didn’t stir a foot. Ná ~, don’t stir. Níl cnámh le ~adh aige, he is unable to move. Ná ~ do bhéal air, don’t open your lips about it. Ag ~adh amach, thart, moving out, about. Ag ~adh chun siúil, making a move to go. ~ leat! Off with you! Bhog sé leis, he moved off, went his way. (c)Rud a bhogadh anonn is anall, to move, rock, sth. to and fro. Cliabhán a bhogadh, to rock a cradle.
An croí a bhogadh aige, to soften his heart.
Bhog sé a ancairí, he cleared out.
An ~ bog, lag (i nduine, i rud), the soft, weak, spot (in person, thing).
An bheatha bhog, chrua, soft, hard, life.
~ bog ort féin, take it easy.
~ bog, slops.
Bog ~tha, soft and bloated.
Ag bogadh na bláthaí do dhuine, humouring, tipping, s.o.
~ croí, softening of heart.
~ ar phian, allaying of pain.
~ smachta, luacha, easing of control, of price.
Ba mhór an ~ an t-airgead, an deoch, air, the money, the drink, softened, sweetened, him a lot.
Níl ~ ann, he is unable to move.
Níl ~ le baint as, nothing will move him.
Ní thabharfadh sí ~ ná sá uaithi, she wouldn’t budge an inch.
~ téide, slackening of rope.
~ lasta, shifting of cargo.
~ fiacla, loosening of teeth.
~ baile, local sensation.
Gan bhogadh, still, impassive.
Tá sé ina bhog-sheanduine, he is getting on in years, beginning to look old.
Rud a ligean uait ar ~, to let sth. go easily, foolishly.
~ croí, soft-heartedness.
~ shíne, liberality, generosity.
Lá bog ~, soft misty day.
~ bog anois! Easy on there!
Níl ~ bog ar bith ann, there is no chink in his armour.
~ bog ballaigh, soft jaw of wrasse.
~ bhog, shócúil, easy-chair.
~ bog, crua, soft, stiff, collar.
~ bog, ceanúil, soft, loving, heart.
An ~ a bhogadh, a chorraí, to move the heart.
An bog is an ~, the soft and the hard.
Ní scarfainn leis ar bhog ná ar chrua, I would not part with it under any circumstances.
Rachaidh sé idir a bhog is a chrua air é a dhéanamh, it will go very hard with him, he will have to use every means to do it.
Chuaigh mé go bog is go ~ air, I tried every means of persuasion with him.
Tá ~ bhog ann, there is a soft, a generous, streak in him.
ach) Ach ~ bogadh, but not to move.
1. ~ bog, crua, ard, soft, hard, top, hat.
Bhí líneáil bhog sa chóta, the coat had a soft lining.
Tá sé bog le siúl air, it is soft to walk on.
3. ~ bhog, pea-crab.
Ní féidir bogadh ná ~ a bhaint as, nothing can budge him.
Bog ~, soft and juicy.
Má tá ~ bog air tá tochardadh crua air, ‘he may be soft-spun but he is hard-wound’, he is tougher than he looks.
~ bog, crua, soft, hard, seat.
~ ar bogadh, ~ chrithir, quaking sod.
~ bog, (i) soft water, (ii) lukewarm water.
3. ~ tirim, dried top material of bog.
Chuaigh an bhó in ~ sa chriathrach, the cow got stuck in the bog.
Is ar éigean a thug siad as an ~ í, they were hardly able to free her from her entanglement (in bog, cleft).
~ (móna), cutaway bog.
~ maide, giúise, rod for probing bog timber.
~ móna, portaigh, sodden, poor-quality, turf, bog.
~ móna, cut turf spread on bog.
~ bán, bog-cotton.
3. ~ iarainn, bog iron ore.
~ an tsléibhe, bog-cotton.
~ ghiúise, stump of bog-deal.
~ (móna), bog-cotton, cotton-grass.
~ phortaigh, bog-beetle.
~ ghiúise, torch of bog fir.
Uisce coirre, bog-hole water.
Uisce corraigh, bog water.
Poll criathraigh, bog-hole.
~ de phortach, depth of bog.
I n~ an chriathraigh, in the depth, middle, of the bog.
~ poill, black colouring substance found in bog.
Fód fachlaigh, sod cut from dried surface of bog.
~ chait, chapaill, fatty hydrocarbon found in bog.
~ portaigh, cut-away section of bog.
~ phortaigh, bog-deal.
~ sléibhe, bog-jelly.
~ an chorraigh, bog orchid.
~ giúise, portaigh, log of bog-deal, of bog-timber.
~ dubh, piece of bog-oak.
~ maide, (i) hole left by perished tree-stump, (ii) trench left after excavation of bog-wood.
~ móna, bog-hole.
~ chorraigh, buck-bean, bog-bean.
~ móna, peat-bog.
~ creatha, quaking bog.
Uisce portaigh, bog water.
Dul sa phuiteach, to sink in the mire, to bog down.
Uisce ~, reddish bog-water.
Talamh a ruadhó, to burn surface of (bog)land.
Uisce ruaimnithe, discoloured (bog-)water; muddied water.
~ na móna, bog asphodel.
~ giúise, splinter of bog-wood (used as torch).
~ giúise, splinter of bog-wood (for lighting).
~ giúise, strip of bog-deal.
~ giúise, piece of bog-wood.
~ ghiúise, splinter of bog-wood.
~ giúise, stump of bog-deal.
Dul trí bhearna, trí phortach, trí pholl sa bhalla, to go through a gap, a bog, a hole in the wall.
Thóg siad maide giúise, they dug out a log of bog-deal.
~ abhann, díge, portaigh, tobair, river-, ditch-, bog-, well-, water.
~ bachta, gleanna, floor of bog, of valley.
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