Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Tá ~ na háite, na tíre, ó thuaidh, the place, the country, has a northern aspect.
Déanfaidh sé ~ na tíre, he will ruin the country.
Bíonn cuma ~ ar an tír sa gheimhreadh, the country looks dreary in the winter.
Tír ~, barren country.
Tá ~ na tíre aige, (i) he knows everybody in the country, (ii) he is well-known throughout the country.
~ as an tír, up from the country.
~ amach, up from a distant part of the country.
Ar fud na tíre, throughout the country.
Is mór a d’~ an tír, the country has changed a lot.
~ tuaithe, country town.
An tír ag dul i m~, chun ~, the country becoming waste, depopulated.
Ag creachadh agus ag bánú na tíre, plundering and laying waste the country.
Bhéalraigh sí an ráfla ar fud na tíre, she spread the rumour all over the country.
~a na tíre, the habits of the country.
Thart ar bhorda na tíre, around the borders, coasts, of the country.
Tír a thabhairt i m~, to reduce a country to slavery.
An tír a bhreathnú, to view the country.
3. ~ amach faoin spéir, tír, get out into the open air, country.
Níl ~ ar bith sa tír acu, they have no stake in the country.
~ na tíre, na bhfear, most of the country, of the men.
~ na tíre a thabhairt, to wander about, tour, the country.
Ó cheann (go) ~ na tíre, from one end of the country to the other.
Ceannairí na tíre, the country’s leaders.
~ na tíre, the hub of the country.
Ag ~adh na tíre ar a lorg, combing out the country in search of him.
Tá sé ag éirí clóite leis an tír, he is getting acclimatized to the country.
Tír chluiche, sporting country; hunting-ground.
~ na tíre, the unification of the country.
An tír a chosaint, to defend the country.
~ cirt, cúise, duine, tíre, anama, defence of right, of cause, of person, of country, of life.
Fear ~ tíre, ordinary (country)man; average man.
Is ~ don tír é, he is a credit to the country.
~a na tíre, na feirme, the boundaries of the country, of the farm.
Ag filleadh chun a chríche agus a chineáil, returning to his country and his people.
Tír a chríochdheighilt, to partition a country.
I g~ na tíre, in the heart of the country.
Gur chros siad an tír, until they crossed the country.
Thugamar ~ na cathrach, na tíre, we toured the city, the country.
~ na tíre, the back, remoter part, of the country.
Tír chúil, back-country.
Tá biseach ar an tír i gcúrsaí fostaíochta, there is an improvement in the country in regard to employment.
Dhaingnigh siad iad féin sa tír, they established themselves firmly in the country.
Rachadh sé le leas na tíre, ~ leo, it would benefit the country, in their opinion.
Tír a dheighilt, to divide, partition, a country.
~ críche, tíre, partition of a territory, of a country.
Diamhra agus droibhéil na tíre, the remote and difficult parts of the country.
Ag milleadh agus ag díbheirg na tíre, despoiling and plundering the country.
A dteanga, a dtír, dhílis, their own language, country.
Do thír a dhíol, to sell one’s country.
Tír a dhíothú, to devastate a country.
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