Chuir sé an fharraige ~ de, he crossed the sea.
Gan cur leis ná ~t de, without adding to or subtracting from it.
An ~ a bhaint de rud; rud a chur ó bhláth, to destroy the appearance of sth.
Rud a chur de bhreith ar dhuine, to enjoin sth. on s.o.
Chuir mé an ~ sin díom, I survived that struggle, got over that illness.
Cuir ~ de rópa air, tie it with a rope.
Chuir sé de chomhad leis féin nach ndéanfadh sé a leithéid arís, he promised himself that he would not do the like again.
~ a chur díot, to turn, stir, oneself.
Níor chuir sé ~ (de chos ná de lámh) de, he didn’t move (a hand or a foot).
Is iomaí ~ a chuir an saol de ó shin, times have changed very much since then.
Bhí sé ag cur creathanna fuachta de, there were cold shivers passing through him.
Rud a chur de do chroí, to get sth. off one’s chest.
Chuir sé ~ ann le buille de bhata, he staggered him with a blow of a stick.
B’éigean di ~ a chur ar an obair, she had to gather help for the work.
Duine a chur de rud, to put s.o. off sth.
Obair, siúl, a chur díot, to accomplish work, a journey.
Chuir sé an abhainn de, he got across the river.
Níor chuir sé cor de, he made no stir.
Conas tá tú ag cur díot? How are you getting along?
Tinneas, trioblóid, a chur díot, to get over sickness, trouble.
Chuir sé an laige sin de, he recovered from that weakness.
Súil a chur de rud, to cease to expect sth.
~ díot do ghol, give over crying.
Bhí sé ag cur dathanna de, he was changing colour.
Tá sé ag cur de, he is ‘giving out’, declaiming.
Chuir sé rabhán cainte de, he poured forth a torrent of speech.
4. Rud a chur de ghlanmheabhair, to get sth. off by heart.
~ díot í, put her close to the wind.
de) Cur suas de rud, to refuse to accept sth.
de) Ní raibh aon chur suas aige de, he did not refuse it.
Tá an ~ seo le cur díom agam, I have to get this job finished.
Do chúrsa a chur díot, to complete one’s course; to finish one’s journey, round (of business).
Chuir sé ~ chainte de, he made a frenzied speech.
Chuir sé ~anna, trí dhath, na seacht n~, de féin, he kept changing colour (repeatedly).
Rud a chur de ghlanmheabhair, to learn sth. off by heart.
Rud a chur de dhíobháil ar dhuine, to deprive s.o. of sth.
Ag cur de dhíon is de dheora, pouring rain, raining cats and dogs.
Rud a chur de dhíth ar dhuine, to deprive s.o. of sth.
Cuir ~ de rópa air, loop a rope round it.
~ na hóige a chur díot, to sow one’s wild oats.
Duine a chur de dhroim tí, to drive s.o. out of his house.
~ de chorda a chur ar rud, to twine a cord round sth.
Do chuid éadaigh a chur ort, a bhaint díot, to dress, undress, oneself.
~ a dhéanamh de rudaí; rudaí a chur i bh~, to get things all mixed up.
Rud a chur de gheasa ar dhuine, to place sth. as a binding obligation on s.o.
Rud a chur de ghlanmheabhair, to commit sth. to memory.
An ~ a chur ar, a bhaint de, rud, to lock, unlock, sth.
Racht goil a chur díot, to have a fit of crying.
Cuir ~ de shnáthaid ann, stitch it with a needle.