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Focail chosúla: rant · rend · rest · ret · aren't
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Seans gur foirm é rent de: rend »
Tá an t-airgead sin in ~ don chíos, that money has been set aside to pay the rent.
An cíos a thabhairt ~, to reduce the rent.
ar muir, ar cíos, ar cosa in airde, on sea, rented, galloping. In qualified or particularized references it lenites, e.g.
ar mhuir na beatha, ar chíos mór, on the sea of life, at a high rent. Eclipses in a few instances, e.g.
Tá cíos, cáin, gearradh, air, it is subject to a rent, a tax, a rate.
Cíos, táille, luach, a ardú, to increase a rent, a fee, a price.
Airgead, cíos, litreacha, a bhailiú, to collect money, rent, letters.
~ cánach, cíosa, fiach, leabhar, stampaí, ticéad, tax-, rent-, debt-, book-, stamp-, ticket-, collector.
Tá an cíos ~te, the rent is due for payment.
Cíos, cáin, luach mór, a bhaint amach, to exact a rent, a tax, a high price.
Bhain sé ~ as airgead an chíosa, he used up some of the rent money.
Níl cíos ná ~ orm, I pay neither rent nor tax.
~ tí, talún, house-, ground-, rent.
Teach (a thógáil) ar ~, (to take) a rented house.
Lá ~a, rent-day.
Gan chíos gan cháin, free from rent and taxes; unburdened with expenses.
Talamh a chíosú, to pay a rent for land.
Cíos, tailte, corónach, crown rent, lands.
Choscair an toirneach na spéartha, the thunder rent the skies, dissolved the rain-clouds.
Cíos ~, quit-rent.
Lón, bun maith, an cíos, a dhéanamh, to make provision, a good beginning, the rent.
~ cíosa, costais, payment of rent, of cost.
Dhiúltaigh sé an cíos a íoc, he refused to pay the rent.
Cíos agus ~ na hÉireann, the rent and tribute of Ireland.
Tá ~ den chíos le híoc agam, I have to pay an instalment of the rent.
Cíos, fiacha, damáiste, a éileamh, to claim rent, debts, damages.
Tá an gála eile den chíos ag éirí, the other gale of the rent is falling due.
Má thig leis an cíos a fháil, if he can find the rent.
Cíos, deontas, ~, fee-farm rent, grant.
~ cíosa, gale of rent.
Tá an cíos ag glaoch orm, I am being called upon to pay the rent.
Cíos is ~, rent and rates.
2. Cíos ~e, composition rent.
Tá an cíos ~ leis, it includes the rent.
~ i gcíos, rent rebate.
~ i gcíos, i luach, reduction in rent, in price.
~ i gcíos, abatement of rent.
Gearrtha ~tha ag na driseacha, torn and rent by briars.
Cíos, luachanna, a ~an, to lower rent, prices.
Teach a ~ean ar cíos le duine, to rent a house to s.o.
Mhaith sé cuid den chíos dom, he abated a portion of the rent for me.
Ní thabharfadh sé ~ sa chíos dom, he wouldn’t abate the rent for me.
~ cíosa, caipitil, maoine, increase of rent, of capital, of wealth.
~ (bainne), dairy-farmer renting land and stock.
2. ~, talamh reachtais, rented land (for dairying); conacre.
Cíos a rialú, to control rent.
~, riaráistí, cíosa, tuarastail, arrears of rent, of salary.
~ in éadach, rent in cloth.
~ cíosa, rent-roll.
~ ó chíos, free from rent.
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