Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Níl sé ach ~ gearr as seo, it is only a short distance from here.
Níl aon ~ sa lá, the day is very short.
~ reatha, (short) sprint, run (as at a jump).
Beidh sé ina ~ má bhaintear an t-aicearra de, he will be in a sorry plight if he loses the short-cut.
Bealach ~, short-cut.
~ a ghabháil, to take a short-cut.
2. Bhí sé ~ liom, he was short with me.
An t-~ agus an cóngar, the long way and the short way.
Is beag an t-~ ó bhí sí ina leanbh, it is only a short time since she was a child.
Beidh ~ ar an áireamh agat, you will be short in your reckoning.
Ná lig as airgead é, don’t let him go short of money.
~ a chur sa talamh, to put a peg, a short stake, in the ground.
Rúid bheag, little, short, spurt.
Siúl ~, slow speed, walk; short walk.
Ar bheagán aráin, short of bread.
Breith gearr, gairid, ar dhuine, to take s.o. at short notice, abruptly.
~ fada, gairid, long, short, trousers.
~ geamhair, short growth of braird.
Faoi bhun é a dhéanamh mé féin, short of doing it myself.
Gearr ré na beatha de bhunadh, life is essentially of short duration.
4. ~ féasóige, short beard.
Gan chairde, without respite, at short notice.
Is gairid ár g~ ar an saol seo, our lease of life is short.
~ láimhe, short-handled hammer.
Saol duine a chiorrú, to cut short s.o.’s life.
Chiorraigh sé punt mé, he left me a pound short.
Níl ~ an chorráin san arbhar, the corn is too short for reaping.
Dul an ~, to take the short cut.
~ gearr, fairsing, short, wide, turn.
~ ghearr is a déanamh go hannamh, ‘a short visit and not too frequent’, one should not wear out one’s welcome.
Ní maith liom (a bheith ag) cúngú oraibh, I don’t like to encroach on you, to leave you short of room.
Ach orlach dá dhíth, short of an inch.
Duine ~, short-handed, unaided, person.
~ fada, gaelach, long-stemmed, short-stemmed, channelled wrack.
Tá ~ airgid air, he is short of money.
~ (ruda) a fhágáil ort féin, to leave oneself short (of sth.).
Ná fág ~ ort féin, don’t leave yourself short; look after yourself well.
Scilling ~, a shilling short.
Táimid triúr ~, we are three short.
Is gearr ~ na beatha, the course of life is short.
Is é a fhad agus a leithead é; is é a fhad ar a ghiorracht é, that is the long and the short of it.
Níl sé i bh~ ón scór, he is not far short of twenty.
~ (nó) gairid é, be it long or short.
Ná ~ easpa ort féin, don’t leave yourself short.
Fuair mé gann an t-airgead, I found that the money was short.
Níl fad ~ ann, it is extremely short.
Le fiche ~ a chur in aon fhocal amháin, to be brief, make a long story short.
Thug sé ~ beag do na ba ar na cinnfhearainn, he gave the cows a short run (of grazing) along the headlands.
Tabhair ~ den rámhainn dom, lend me the spade for a short while.
An t-aicearra, an timpeall, a ghabháil, to take the short cut, the long way round.
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