Caith ~ leis, take time at it, don’t rush it.
Chuaigh siad tharainn d’aon rúid ~, they passed us in one rush, rushing all together.
~ féir, cocháin, tuí, luachra, cipíní, bundle of hay, straw, thatch, rushes, sticks.
2. ~ luachra, little bench, little bunch, of rushes.
Ní fiú ~ é, it is not worth a rush.
Ag brostú fhear na ~e, rushing a man who is already hard-pressed.
Bhí ~ mór faoi, he was in a great rush, all excited.
~ cogaidh, (rush) helmet.
Bheith ar ~, to be rushing.
~ chéarach, gheire, feaga, wax, tallow, rush, candle.
~ oibre, pressure, rush, of work.
Teacht de rúid, to come rushing.
Bheith faoi dheifir (le rud), to be hurried, rushed (with sth.).
Mhoilligh Dia an ~, there is no use in rushing things.
Buinne ~ díleann, rushing torrent of water.
Luachair dhreoite, withered rushes.
Rud a dhéanamh faoi dhriopás, to do sth. in a rush of excitement, fumblingly.
~ úrluachra a chur ar urlár, to cover a floor with fresh rushes.
Ná bí ~ ar d’aimhleas, don’t rush headlong into ruin.
Urlár a easrú, to strew a floor with rushes; to scatter things all over a floor to be trampled on.
Ag dul chun an diabhail le ~, rushing headlong to perdition.
Nach oraibh atá an ~? Aren’t you in a terrible rush?
2. ~ gaoithe, rush of wind, strong breeze.
Tom ~acha, tuft of rushes.
Chomh díreach le ~, as straight as a rush.
Cén ~ atá ort? What’s your rush?
Tháinig sé d’fhoighdeán orm, he came at me with a rush.
~ a bheith ort, to be rushed with one’s work, in a hurry to get things done.
Bristear long le ~, ‘force may wreck a ship’, it is better not to rush matters.
~ a bheith fút, to be in a rush, all activity.
Chomh caol, díreach, le ~, as slender, straight, as a rush.
Imeacht sna gáinní, to dart, rush, off.
Chuir siad abhaile ina ghealt é, they sent him rushing home in his bare pelt.
Ag scamhadh, ag tomadh, geatairí, peeling, dipping, rushes (to make wicks for rush candles).
~ fhoghla, rush for plunder.
~ sé an t-áth orthu, he rushed the ford against them.
~eadar ar chogadh, they rushed to war.
1. ~ luachra, tuí, rush-, straw-, mat.
~ aitinn, luachra, clump of furze, of rushes.
Tá ~ d’aimhleasa fút, you are rushing headlong to destruction.
Dul de ~ isteach, to dash, rush, in.
De ~, suddenly, hurriedly, with a rush.
Ní dhéanfaidh tú de ~ ná de léim é, you can’t just rush headlong into it.
~ cinn le fána, downhill, headlong, rush.